Saturday, October 20, 2018

Elephant and Piggie: We are in a play

We had a fun field trip opportunity on Friday to go see the play Elephant and Piggie: We are in a play! with our charter school. We love the Elephant and Piggie books by Mo Willems, and the play was just as fun.

I had only bought 4 tickets for the play thinking that April wouldn't want to go, and I'd just take the 3 boys. Turns out I should have asked her. She says "I want to go!" But by the time I found that out there were no more tickets available for our group. Thankfully Aaron said he didn't care about going, and would be willing to give his ticket to April. So, April, Aric, Alex, and I set out for Portland on Friday morning after dropping Aaron off at a friends house.

Alex read all the Elephant and Piggie books we own on the way. 


Driving in Portland is always an experience, but we arrived well before the show started despite missing our turn and other various traffic issues. So, we took some pictures while we were waiting. Alex was so excited for it to start.


The stage looked fun. They asked us not to take pictures of the show, so I don't have any pictures of the fun characters.


I thought Alex might burst with excitement.


After the show we picked up a program. They don't hand out the nice programs to all the school group shows, but they said we could pick one up if we wanted.  Alex really wanted to buy a poster.



It was a fun show. I love experiences like this. We don't go to plays very often because they can get quite expensive, but I was grateful we made it to this one.

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost