Saturday, November 19, 2022

My Weekly Notebook: The week before Thanksgiving



Life this week...

Another whirlwind of a week! It's the week before Thanksgiving and my birthday. I can hardly believe we are already at this holiday. I have one kid who's very excited about Thanksgiving and so he keeps asking me if I have a turkey and if I have stuffing and so on. I have to admit I have very little planned out for our Thanksgiving feast. I should probably get on that. I at least printed up a meal planner page!

Homeschool this week...

 Alex started a new funschooling journal, The Pirate's Pronunciation Handbook, for language arts.


This first page seems a bit easy for him, but this book is full of great language arts learning. At first I thought it was too young for him, but realized when I looked through it that it would be a great fit.

The challenge he had for this page was writing the alphabet creatively...


Mom-school this week...

I learned to knit! A friend brought some knitting things to teach me while our boys played/jumped at Defy. It was easier than I thought, but hard to get things to knit right. I kept getting too tight. Hoping to get better as I practice more!


Places we're going and people we're seeing... 

We went on a few hikes this week with different groups. 

We joined a new to us wild+free group for the first time. Part of our time with them was spent playing/exploring along the river beach. Alex took the time to stack some rocks despite it being very cold. He did awesome!



The other hike was with our Monday hike group. We went to Tryon Creek State Park and hiked the N. horse loop. We even saw a horse!


I also took the kids on a very short walk down in Springfield when we were visiting. Alex decided to find a geocache which helped him be less grumpy about walking/hiking, and he found a rubber duck in it that we have to take to a new geocache location (it's a travel bug).


Things I'm working on...

Taking apart my Harry Potter LEGO castle. That thing is a solid 6,020 pieces and taking way longer than I anticipated. I've got about half the castle done at this point.


Random things the kids worked on... 

Aric decided to do some snap circuits this week. A project that is completely optional for him. He is studying electronics right now so it fits with his science/stem studies. I was happy to see him choose this on his own.


Something I accomplished...

I finished this puzzle. Why? Because Alex decided he didn't like doing puzzles. So, I finished it. I'm excited to move onto something prettier than the human abdomen. I need to figure out how to get that kid to like puzzles.


 Movies/TV we watched... 

Michele and I watched the new Disney movie Disenchanted. It's the sequel to Enchanted. We both enjoyed it.

Outdoor time...

Despite our several hikes outside this week, we only have about 4 hours 15 minutes outside. It was very chilly all week, so we just didn't get out much.

Games we played...

Alex played chess several nights with his dad, and a few times with me. This kid loves chess!


Other thoughts from the week...

Alex heard about this chocolate from a friend, so he set out to find it at Walmart this week. He found it!


I'm grateful for...

Art. We took the opportunity to do some chalk art this week. I am so thankful we did.

Untitled Untitled

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost