Monday, February 27, 2023

Monday's Hike: Mt. Tabor, Portland, OR

We were in for a surprise today! Actually, I wasn't completely surprised, but I didn't realize that Portland was still so covered in snow. At least Mt. Tabor was. Most of the streets were clear, but our destination for our hike today was still covered in a lot of white. The gate to drive into the park was even closed. It was a fun walk. I do enjoy walking in snow. Especially when it's just a 40ish minute drive away!


There were some glimpses of blue sky during the walk...


But also, lots of clouds, and even some rain...


Even the sun popped out a few times.


At the end Alex asked for a Shamrock shake at McDonald's. I agreed, it was a well deserved treat at the end of our adventure.


Thursday, February 16, 2023

Thankful Thursday

 I am thankful that someone had jumper cables while we were out and about today.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

My Weekly Notebook: Roller skating, sourdough bread, and Valentine's day fun


Life this week...

Sometimes it's hard to look back on the week and feel like I see nothing of great importance to talk about. But, there are things, and I'm glad that I take this time to really think about my week here on the blog. Finding just one thing to write about in each topic and taking stock helps me to see that we are really doing something. Even if they are mundane or "boring." 

We had some sickness go through the house this week, including me. I wasn't down completely, but I was just tired, weak, and felt generally unwell all week. I actually couldn't tell at first that I had a bug. Then when the kids starting getting sick I knew it wasn't just me.

Homeschool this week...

Alex finally worked on his LEGO Chain Reactions book. This kit has a bunch of little lessons and ultimately builds a giant reaction machine. He has just the first little bit built here.


Places we're going and people we're seeing... 

Alex and I went and tried out a new roller skating place that has a homeschool skate time. It was a blast, and so nice to be back on roller skates (we haven't been for so long). Alex enjoyed getting inline skates and doing the games. The one pictured here is the limbo.

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A few of our favorite things this week... 

Alex enjoys playing chess with anybody who will play with him. He got to play several times this week with various people in and out of our home.


Things I'm working on...

I am working through this Smoothie Time journal for myself. I want to get better at eating healthy and I really enjoy smoothies so I'm hoping this will help me find new options for healthy snacks and meals. Also, I just love Thinking Tree books. I am liking this one so far!



What we're reading...

We are still working our way through The Phantom Tollbooth. I think we are halfway through it, at least. It has been a really enjoyable book to read aloud together.

Movies/TV we watched... 

Alex and I went to see Puss 'n Boots  with friends at the movie theater. It was a good movie, I really enjoyed it I love how they portray some of the fairytales. Definitely made us laugh.


Outdoor time... 

Our one and only hike this week was at Mary S. Young park.  It was so pretty. Cold. But pretty. We are currently at 33 hours outside time. Sickness has put a damper on us getting outside this week.

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Games we played...

I learned how to play Skyjo at a church activity. I loved it, and now it's in our Amazon cart.  This is such a great game for math skills too.


This week's LEGO creation is by me. I made this mosaic for Valentine's day. 

 Happy Valentine's Day!


I'm cooking/eating... 

I made my first batch of sourdough bread. I've never worked with sourdough, but I loved this bread and the process wasn't too bad. I am excited to try more new things with sourdough. Assuming I can keep the starter going.


I also made these Valentine's day cupcakes for our church activity on Saturday. They turned out cute for a quickly thrown together batch.


I'm grateful for...

Podcasts and audio books. I can listen while on the go!



Thursday, February 9, 2023

Thankful Thursday: Funschooling

I am thankful that The Thinking Tree books are in the top 100 books for sale on Amazon right now. Especially after the unfortunate situation Amazon put the company in. I'm also thankful that I was able to get some new ones from the sales!

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Monday, February 6, 2023

Books Mom is reading

The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom


The Hiding Place is about a family, The Ten Booms, who help hide Jews during WW2. They are eventually discovered, but their faith remains strong even when they are all taken to different camps to face whatever future that may hold.


The Book of Lost Names by Kristin Harmel. Enjoyed with a piece of chocolate from a friend.


The Book of Lost Names is about a woman who becomes a forger, not by choice, but because she learns that she has a gift to help WW2 refugees and Jews.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Thankful Thursday: Games


I am thankful for games. Board games, yard games, puzzle games. I am thankful we have so many great ones.

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost