Monday, August 19, 2024

My Weekly Notebook: week 33


Life this week...

We must have had a little virus go through the house this week. I say little because it wasn't a "stuck on the couch" all week thing. It was a we just felt a little bit off and kinda sick thing. I felt tired, had weak legs, a little bit of a scratchy throat a few times, and maybe some upset stomach. I definitely felt a little malaise too. A few of the boys said they felt similar at different points of the week. I almost didn't recognize it as a sickness until the end of the week! That's how low key it was. Still mostly functional, but just not quite 100%. 

Homeschool this week...

We are quickly coming to the end of summer which means I must start thinking about what I don't want to think about... prepping for the new school year. I am both excited and kinda dreading it. There's always the excitement of preparing and starting anew, but I also know it means we really have to buckle down and figure out classes. So, until we get around to doing that we have a football or two at least! Something we can use for a little PE. I ordered a new one because we couldn't find the old one, but as it was on its way the old one was found. The boys wanted to keep the shiny new one too, so I guess it works out.


Mom-school this week...

I pulled out the Ukulele and tuned it so I can start learning it again. I also searched for my old online lessons that I forgot I had. I have to start all over with the Uke because I forgot everything! 

Places we're going and people we're seeing...

We had a park day planning meeting for our local homeschool group, I walked in a parade with the library bookmobile, and the kids played pickle ball with homeschool friends one day.

A few of our favorite things this week...

I am loving sitting in the mornings and just taking a moment to think and slow down with a cup of something to drink and sometimes a book. It's been a really great way to start my days and I'm thankful I'm at a time in my life where I can do this. My favorite from this week was Sunday morning sitting outside after a storm the night before and it was sunny with a slight breeze. It was just so beautiful out. I felt a lot of peace.


Things I'm working on...

I am working on listening to an extremely long book, and I'm only 5 hours in. I need to buckle down and listen more. Problem is I really like listening to my music too.


Something I accomplished...

I cleaned the fish tank and got it decorated for fall. I still have a pumpkin somewhere that I can't find. Hoping I will find it, but for now this makes me happy.

What we're reading...

I already mentioned the book I am listening to, The Witching Hour by Anne Rice. We are also reading The Hobbit as a read-aloud. I am working on Just David by Eleanor Porter. That one is actually a book that Aric was reading for his language arts class too.

Movies/TV we watched... 

We went to see Despicable Me 4 on Tuesday for $5 day. I went with the youngest boy and the oldest boy! It was fun. I also watched Twister with the Hubby one night. Now to wait for Twisters to come on streaming. Oh and I can't forget Gilmore Girls! I started watching that on my own again. Oh how I love that show!

Outdoor time...

I have been getting outdoor time in as much as we can. If anybody goes outside for anything I join them! I have also been doing a lot of just sitting outside on the front porch. I love it. Our hours right now are at 268/1000 for 1000 hours outside. I'm hoping we can get a lot more hours in this 2nd half of the year!

Games we played...

We haven't played games for weeks! I realized today that we just haven't been thinking about it or making any effort. That will be my goal this week, play a game!


I finished a Harry Potter set. This is the last "house banner" of the 4 houses. I built Hufflepuff's house banner. It is up on the wall with the other 3!

I'm cooking/eating...

Some of the things we ate this week include copycat zuppa tuscana soup, Mongolian Chicken and egg flower soup from Chen's restaurant, tater tots (Alex's favorite lately), and an easy night of McDonald's. I also made homemade sourdough English muffins (not pictured).

I'm grateful for...

I'm grateful for the really nice rain storm we had, complete with thunder and lightning. It was so cool to listen/watch and made the earth feel so fresh.

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost