Thursday, May 31, 2012

May wrap-up

We had a busy month!  Didn't mean for it to get so busy, but it did.  Between chicken coop building, camping, Aaron's birthday, 4-H stuff, and lots of yard and gardening work it was a squeeze school in when we can kind of month.  So, we did a lot of puzzles, and random things.  Here's a sampling.  I was lazy and didn't take a lot of pictures of all the things we did!

The boys did this ocean puzzle.  I helped them too.  I love getting down and doing puzzles with them.  They laid down to show how big the puzzle was.

We did a lot of puzzles.  Here's one of the many geopuzzles the kids did.  This one was Africa and the Middle East.  These puzzles are wonderful!P5071224

April was pointing to Egypt.  She thought that was fun since we are learning about Egypt {still} in Story of the world.


Wrap-ups.  These are very handy.  I think this is going to help Aaron a lot.  He can do the +1 and +2 pretty good.  He loves this.  We have a multiplication one too for April.


playing games has been a fun thing this month.  Here April joined Aaron in his Graphing, and they made a game out of it.


 I usually don't let the kids do the Wii during the day or for school time, but since we were doing a little baseball mini unit I let them try out the baseball on Wii sports.  Aric is demonstrating his Wii hitting skills.

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April marched with her 4-H horse club in the local pet parade.  That was pretty fun to watch, we even saw chickens in the parade.P5181336

A baseball spelling page that Aaron worked on.


This was a fun tot school activity I pulled together while camping over Memorial day weekend to occupy little Alex.  Marbles and these ice cube trays.  He liked putting them into the holes.  He loved the marbles, but I had to watch him closely with them so he didn't get to play with them as long as he'd liked.

P5251353 We are still working through our Articles of faith.  They like these puzzles to help them to learn the words. P5031200 It is going to be busy here for a little bit longer, but we do plan to school through the summer, at least part time as much as we can!


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost