Sunday, May 6, 2012

Tot school: Batman!

Tot School
 Aric is 46 months old (3.5 years old)
Alex is 16 months old

Wow, I think it has been a while since I've posted a tot school!  I sure do miss posting about it.  We are always doing tot school around here, I just don't always get around to posting.  We had some awesome batman school that Aric loved.  I used the Batman preschool pack at 1+1+1=1, and we made it into a lapbook because that works best for us.  He loved his lapbook!  We also gathered all the batman things that we have, a few books, his batman and robin motorcycle, and his batman shirt.  He also put together a lego set that he picked from the store.

Here is the front flap of part of his lapbook.  He still has yet to trace the Bb's.  I figure he will eventually.  He isn't writing letters yet.

P4271111 This is the inside of one folder.  The whole preschool pack ended up fitting in 2 folders taped together.P4271110
I think it's so cute how he matched his batman figure with the batman figure on the playdough mat. P4220938
For the first time, he liked the playdough mats.  We might start doing more of these. P4220939
B is for batman!P4220941
R is for Robin!P4220943
Counting Batman numbers.P4220992

We traced to catch the bad guys...P4231038 That's all that I got pictures of for Batman school.  Now onto...

He tried out playdough for the first time.  He mostly just picked at it.  He's not too big into touching new things that are different.
P4220940 He played with my cell phone of course...P4220953 This was my most favorite activity of all though.  I got the balls out, and we put them in this empty apple container from Costco.  He liked putting a ball in each spot.P4241041
 He had lots of balls and lots of spots.  He thought it was fun to reach to the farthest ones.  (Please ignore the marker spots on his ear.  It really is just marker :-)
Then he was very proud of himself after he was done.P4241044 He liked closing it up too, and afterwards we bounced the balls on the little table, to see which ones would bounce.  He thought that was great fun.P4241047

Mom's favorites:

Alex having fun at the tulip fields with the ducky races!  He loved this.
He just wanted to catch all the ducky's racing down. P4241082 This is Aric at Great Wolf lodge just after he had his penny squished in that penny squishing machine.  I love how excited he is in this picture.  We had a lot of fun at Great Wolf Lodge last weekend.
 To see what other's have done for Tot school head over to 1+1+1=1.


  1. Look at that happy face enjoying Batman school! So sweet!

    Popping in from Tot school

  2. Yes so, Sammy is now asking for a batman lapbook thank you. LOL


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost