Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mosaic lighthouses

We have started our lighthouse unit study this week.  I love unit studies, and I'm very excited about this one.  There is so much fun stuff to learn about lighthouses, and everything relating to lighthouses like the ocean, ships, etc.  I'll probably be posting a little bit about that over the next few weeks.  I am thinking we might take the whole 4 weeks that the Amanda Bennett unit study covers.  That is my plan for now.

Here are the kids' notebooks.  Just a binder with some lined paper for now.  We'll add all the things the kids do over our study, notes, pictures, drawings, etc.  So far they have colored the cover.  Aaron wanted to draw his own lighthouse rather than color the one I printed up for him.  I thought that was pretty cool.

Our first day we learned about the "Lighthouse of Alexandria" in ancient Egypt.  We noticed that there was a mosaic picture on the wiki information page about the Alexandria lighthouse.  That inspired this project.  I'd also remembered about the mosaics that Sea Star did with her kids, so I thought this would be fun.  The kids loved it, and I think they did a great job with them.  I like how they turned out as well. 
Aaron's mosaic.  He didn't want to draw the lighthouse this time, and opted to use the printed picture.
April drew hers.  She said she wanted to fill the whole page with sequins, but it takes a long time!  I think hers came out pretty anyway.
Aric just liked putting a lot of sequins all over.  He's too young to appreciate a mosaic picture yet.


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost