Friday, August 2, 2013

FIAR: Papa Piccolo

We rowed Papa Piccolo back in June.  I think this is a sweet book.  Now every time we find a flag of Italy Aric points it out.  Love the little things they catch from these "rows".

Papa Piccolo by Carol Talley is a story about an alley cat in Italy who finds 2 kittens.  He ends up adopting them and teaching them all kinds of things.  It's a cute little story.

We found Italy, and put the story disk on it.  Can you see Peter Rabbit there in the background? IMG_3601

 We also happened to watch Kiki's Delivery Service while rowing this.  Here April made the cat from the movie named Jiji.  It was fun to watch the cat in this movie as we were reading and learning about cats all week.

April's Jiji from Kiki's Delivery Service

Some of the great cat books we checked out from the library:
Cat, What is that?  This one was poetic, and my 4 year-old adored this book
Cat Goes Fiddle-i-fee

Mr. Maxwell's Mouse, was a clever little tale 
Drawing cats, helped April to draw some great cat pictures.

How the CAT Swallowed Thunder, A fable of how the cat got it's purring ability

Dick Whittington and his Cat, my kiddo lost interest in this one halfway through, but it looked interesting.
Have you seen my cat? by Eric CarleIMG_3652

If you give a cat a cupcake, we always love these if you give stories. IMG_3653

Aric's lapbook.  He had very little interest in the lapbook.  So I didn't really push it.  It doesn't have much because of that.  Here is the front... IMG_3913

I included his map of Italy and his flag of Italy that he colored.  Some cat puzzles, and other mini books. IMG_3914

He painted a gondola.  We did do the color wheel activity talked about in the manual.  The cute kitten picture is a picture he had up on his wall that he wanted to take down and put in his lapbook. IMG_3915

We also watched this video about gondolas in Venice, Italy.  It was nice to have a real life example as we were talking about gondolas and what they do.

 So, that was our row of Papa Piccolo!

Linking up with Delightful Learning's

Delightful Learning


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost