Thursday, August 29, 2013

Our curriculum for 2013-2014 school year

Finally!  It's here!  Our plan for the 2013-2014 school year!  I have spent weeks, and many late nights scouring the internet trying to figure out what we are going to do.  I really wanted to do Sonlight, but it's expensive and I'm not sure how great of a fit it would be for our family.  So, again, I pieced it all together!  All that scouring to realize that this is how I like to do it anyway, piece by piece.

Really not a lot has changed in some subjects.  Maybe the next level up in some cases.  We are still using a lot of our old favorites.  I've added in some online classes for April to give her something different, and hopefully a little more challenging/interesting.  Another big thing is April's Shakespeare class that she'll be doing.  This is an awesome opportunity for her that we are really excited about.  I'm hoping that between those 3 things it will give her more of a exciting/challenging year.

April 7th grade
This picture sure doesn't look like a lot, but she has quite the spread for her curriculum this year.  There are also a few things not pictured as we are waiting for the packages to come.


  • Snap circuits XP:  she finally has her own set of snap circuits!  She'll learn about computer programming with this set.
  • Story of the world vol. 1:  CD's, and activities
  • Story of the world vol 2:  CD's, and activities


  •  Shakespeare:  she will need to read, watch or listen to 17 shakespeare plays for her co-op class.  Other Shakespeare explorations at co-op including a production in the spring of 2014.  I might start her with a graphic Shakespeare like this one, Macbeth-graphic, to get her warmed up to it. 

Other studies will include

  • Scripture studies
  • Violin lessons at Music man studio (she wants to do this, we are looking into it)
  • Nature studies from the Handbook of Nature study
  • Cake decorating class

Aaron 2nd grade
Not much is new for this 2nd grader.  He's continuing most books from last year that he didn't finish.  The biggest additions to his curriculum are the Master reader program, and the typing.



  • Explode the code 1

  •  Story of the world vol. 1:  CD's 

  • Beginning Geography workbook by Evan Moore (from previous year)
Multi-subject resources:
  • Lapbooks to go along with any study
  • co-op classes
  • cub scouts when he turns 8 later in the year
  • Possible violin lessons as well

Aric Kindergarden
I am excited for this Kindergarden year.  I hope I can keep this active little boy busy with these choices!  A lot of his books are the same books his brother used.


  • Horizons math K 
Thinking skills/logic
  • Daily science grade 1
  • McGuffey's First Eclectic Reader
Language Arts:
  • Draw, Write, Now books (art and drawing too!)
Multiple subjects

  • Soccer in the Fall 
  • He wants to try taekwondo
  • swimming lessons later in the year

Alex Preschool/tot school
Preschool is my favorite age to teach. 

  • Before Five in a Row (and FIAR with his brother)
  • Big preschool workbook:  this book was purchased because he wants to steal his brother's Math book everytime we do math.  He thinks he should have a math book too.  I'm hoping this looks close enough to a math book to him :-) 
  • My first school book : by Handwriting without tears.  He will like having a "school book" of his own to do letters in
  • Lots and lots of play:  manipulatives, sensory bucket, crafts, etc.

(lessons and activities all together):

Christian liberty nature readers
Story of the world activities
Family time fitness
Nature studies
Letterboxing (something I hope to do all year long): You use clues to find a box that contains a stamp to stamp into your log book

That about wraps it up for our main curriculum.  We will probably add or take away throughout the year, and I will try to update this list as we do so.  I am looking forward to our year now that the planning part is done!  Phew!  On to the next blog hop...the room!

I am linking up with iHomeschool network's curriculum blog hop for the Not back to school blog hop during the month of August.

Your homeschooling friend,


1 comment:

  1. DUDE! That's looks like a well rounded curriculum not "This picture sure doesn't look like a lot"! You're doing good Momma - seriously!


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost