Friday, September 5, 2014

My homeschool Journal: Week 3 wrap up

Life this week:

I went to a RS ladies activity at church this week all about healthy cooking, and different oils that can be used.  A big one that was talked about was coconut oil.  I was glad to hear what others use coconut oil for because I have been interested in trying it out.  We bought a big jug of it from Costco recently, so I decided to give it a try in some banana bread I made.  I only used half the butter and the rest coconut oil.  It turned out pretty good.  Didn't really notice any difference, so I'll have to experiment more.

The kids found this sunflower in the driveway gravel area.  We rescued it and brought it inside to cheer up the table.
Our learning this week:

Our weeks are so packed, and full of great moments that I always just want to share them all, but I will try not to overload.
Top left: Sketch Tuesday by Aaron, something with whiskers called "scaredy cat." Top right: a family walk at Silver Falls. Bottom left: The Boxcar children, pizza mystery play away, this was great for Aric in the car this week.  Bottom right: Alex putting together a body parts puzzle.
It was a great week of loving learning.  Aaron tried out his first few zoob challenges.  Here he was trying to figure out how to get his car to move across the table without him pushing it.  It was fun to hear his thought processes.  I just gave him some ideas, and let him think through the process. This is what he came up with.


We finally finished chapter 25 in Story of the World, and that finally takes us out of Ancient Greece!  Yay.  Hoping to move more swiftly through this volume so we can get to volume 2 this school year.

The project for this week was a Pharos lighthouse.  The boys had fun making these, and this hands on stuff really helps them to remember things.

Aric's lighthouse
Alex and Aaron's light house.  Please ignore the top of the Pringle container.  Apparently we were supposed to get shorter ones, and they weren't interested in fixing them.


Some other things we learned about this week:
  • Before five in a row: The Quiet Way Home which I will feature in a post of its own.
  • The 12th article of faith memorization.
What we're reading:

Dad has been reading this to the boys at bedtime.  Beverly Cleary's Otis Spofford.  It was something that Dad found at the library, and he thought the boys would enjoy it.  They have been enjoying it.  We have found bedtime to be a good read aloud time with Daddy.  They get to hear from him for a change!


We rode to the library this week on our bikes, and came home with a lot of books.  Here is where the boys ended up with all their books.  It was a nice sight to come out of the kitchen and see them both reading!  These boys will become great readers I hope. 


The Very Quiet Cricket by Eric Carle. I focused on the letter Q and Quiet with Alex, so this is one of the books we read this week.  He and I made the tissue paper cricket together.  I did most of it, but he helped put some tissue papers on while sitting next to me watching. 


We have had a library book explosion at our house this week.  It has been fun hitting up 3 different libraries in the last 2 weeks which has resulted in the accumulation of a lot of books!


I still have a lot of organizing to do, so this is what I'm doing right now for organizing the kids' school work each day.  It's working for now, but some days it doesn't all fit in one little file box.  Hoping to come up with a new solution soon!


Places we're going and people we're seeing...

April started up horse lessons again.  She was very excited to get back into it.  That means that we spend once a week in Silverton at a park or wherever, while she rides.  I have to admit I kind of missed it, and am excited to be doing that again.

On Friday we had our back to school ice cream social at the park with our local homeschool group.  It was so nice both in weather and company.  It's going to be a fun year with our homeschool friends.

Alex working on his scavenger hunt.  He liked finding people to write down.
I loved seeing the park playground covered with homeschool kids!
  That about wraps it up for this week!  



  1. I love cooking with coconut oil! It's my #1 choice for most things. All my sauteing/frying and most baking is coconut oil. :)

    Love all the library books! Laundry baskets are a good idea to hold them all! I need to figure out something else for our library books!

  2. SO much fun and learning! Wow! :-) Thanks for linking up with "My Week in Review." I hope you will be able to join us again this week.


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost