Friday, September 26, 2014

The quiet way home (BFIAR)

 Alex is 3.5 years old

We did a row on this book a few weeks ago, The quiet way home by Bonny Becker.  It is a fun book about enjoying a walk home going the quiet way, not the loud way.  So we focused on the letter Q and the word quiet (and some other Q words like quilt, and Quetzal which you'll see below).

I checked out the book from the library because this one is hard to find to buy.  I was glad that one of the library systems had it, but the other didn't.


 Later in the week I discovered through another blog that this story was available as an app for the ipad, so we got that and he had a great time listening to it on the ipad too.

This is a bird called the Quetzal.  I found this printable craft at Learn Create Love, and fell in love with this little bird that I didn't even know about that started with a Q!  While Alex didn't go crazy over it, he still had some fun painting it.

Quetzal bird craft

I found a great idea from another blog (not sure which one, I can't find it now) to make a gel pack with the word quiet in it.  This was a big hit.  He loved this thing.  We talked a lot about the word quiet.


He loved that thing so much that it only lasted a day.  Need to find a better way to seal it, but it was a great idea.


He did this Q is for quiet page for about 2 minutes.  It was a good try.


I set up a letter Q basket with all the letter Qq's we had.  He always enjoys seeing a lot of the same letter.  Then he points out every q he sees after that.


 We did this q dropper activity from Totally Tots.  Squeezing the dropper was frustrating for him, so this didn't last long.


 We focused a little on ears and other body parts/senses since part of the story is about hearing/listening.  I had this body puzzle that I pulled out, he liked doing that a few times but still needed help each time.


Some other books we read...

 Too much noise (to go with the quiet theme)


The Very Quiet Cricket by Eric Carle.  We focused a little on crickets.  I pointed out a cricket sound outside, and we watched a video about cricket sounds.  We perfected our cricket chirp, and now he tells everybody what a cricket sounds like.  We also did this craft, with an outline of the very quiet cricket and tissue paper.


This was a fun row, and book.  I think it's not a very easy book to come up with activities for, but I was happy with what we found and came up with. 

Linking this up with Delightful Learnings FIAR link-up.


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost