Thursday, December 18, 2014

simple science

Yesterday when I took out a few old science kits to make some Christmas gnome bots (post coming soon) we found some fun things to play with including these fun glasses.  I'm not sure exactly what they are called.  They break light up, and it looks like you are looking at rainbows.  I found them at the Steve Spangler science website, and they call them fireworks rainbow glasses.  Such a technical term, I know.  That's what I'd call them too :)

We had fun looking at the Christmas tree with them...

I found the 3 year old spinning around looking up at the lights in the kitchen with them on, and giggling.


I loved his creative way of using them, and he had a hard time keeping his balance.


He did this for quite a while.


This goes right along with Almost Unschoolers 30 second science ideas with light.  She had one looking through a feather at the Christmas tree, and another one looking at light and shadow.  Fun ideas! 


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost