Saturday, December 24, 2016

The Christmas PJ race

We started a new tradition last year called the Christmas PJ race. A friend told me about this tradition that they do, even now as their children are adults, and I loved it so much that we are now doing it. We had to adjust a little this year for a Christmas party that required the wearing of PJ's for some, but usually this would happen on Christmas eve, and it would involve all 6 of us.

This year it just involved the 4 kids because we did it at the beginning of the month (instead of Christmas eve), and I didn't have pj's for Dad yet. Here's how it works:

All the PJ's are wrapped in something. I think I did just plain old paper bags last year, but didn't have any this year so I actually wrapped them up in somewhat equal boxes that all take the same difficulty to unwrap and get into.

Put all the wrapped pj's in the middle of the room with labels down, and make sure to mix them up. On the go signal each person has to find their package, unwrap it, get their pj's on, and race back to the room to grab the candy cane with candy in it. The first one to grab it is the winner of the pj race!

There is a designated area for boys and girls to go change that are both equal distance away so no one has to go farther than anybody else. It's exciting and fun for sure.

On your mark....


 Get set...




Alex won the candy cane this year, see it in his hands? These are his new pj's too. He didn't want Christmas theme, and since he was with me when I was shopping, I let him have these Batman ones.


I would usually not let them choose, but I did this year. Just because we had a time crunch to get them before the Christmas party, and they would be wearing them out in public, so I wanted them to have something they wanted to wear.

Aaron chose these awesome pj's, but he was too cool to wear them to the church party. He said all his friends had decided not to wear pj's, so he wasn't either. Boo! Oh well, they were fun anyway.


 I love that Aric picked these. He wasn't sure if they were too "uncool," but he wore them proudly anyway, and he found that no one cared. I'm so thankful for that!


I guess I didn't ever get an individual of April. Hers were just fun Christmas-y pj's that a normal teen girl would wear. Here are all my cuties. I love that they had so much fun with the great pj race this year. I love this new tradition. 


 Merry Christmas!

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost