Thursday, November 15, 2018

Guitar 360 (A REVIEW)

Guitar 360 Method

As a music loving, instrument playing, homeschool family we love to find ways to incorporate music lessons of any type into our day. It's especially helpful when we don't even have to leave the house! This review is a program that allows us to do just that. With Guitar 360 Method we are able to have guitar lessons at our fingertips which allows us access anytime of the day, and move at any pace we need.

Guitar 360 Method


We had never considered guitar lessons just because there aren't many guitar teachers local to us, but with the online world of classes becoming ever more popular so many different subjects can be possible now, including this guitar course. We received the Semester 1 Bundle with the Absolute Beginner bonus content and 13 weeks of lessons. With this online access we can login from any device or computer, and we can play the content of each lesson as many times as needed to get things down. It also marks each video complete as we make our way through them. Each lessons videos are broken up into several short videos so that concepts or details aren't hard to find if we need to go back and find something again (it's much easier to sort through a 2-5 minute video than a 30-60 minute one!)


Who used this program in our home? I had originally planned on my boys (5th and 7th grade) using it, but also decided to give it a try myself. I've always wanted to learn an instrument, but never considered myself a guitar person, until now. This guitar instructor and program made me feel confident after watching my boys do it, that I myself could also do it. The way the instructor, Kris Simonfalvi, teaches and talks to the students through his videos gives complete confidence to the learner. I felt like I could do it!


We all started with the absolute beginner course because we all have never had any kind of guitar instruction. This is a great place to start as he touches on even the very basics such as where to put the fingers on the strings. Krisz is very thorough in his instructions. He explains the what and why for everything, and if you aren't sure to just try it that way for a while. But, then he also tells you to find your own groove, and get comfortable with how you do things.


None of us have gotten far or good enough in this time period to have a song down yet, but I feel like we will be there pretty soon. There are 2 bonus songs included with our bundle that are separate from the beginner course and the lessons that give direct instruction to popular songs. We didn't get to those, but it looks like it'll be a great way to get playing the guitar pretty quickly. Especially if you have the basics down already. We are still trying to get our fingers figured out, and keeping them in the right place.


What did we think about Guitar 360 Method? We like it a lot. It's a great way to get into the guitar conveniently from home with a great instructor that makes you feel as if you can do anything even if you haven't before.

If you'd like to see what others had to say about this guitar program you can click on the image below that says Read the Crew Reviews.

Guitar Lessons with Krisz Simonfalvi {Guitar 360 Method Reviews}
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