Friday, September 13, 2019

Easy Grammar (A REVIEW)

We have needed a quick easy way to get some grammar in every day for my 3rd grader, so I was thrilled to try out Easy Grammar:  Grade 3. I needed something that is straight to the point, and doesn't need a lot of teacher prep or wading through books.  Easy Grammar Systems has some great curriculum for just that. I love the short lessons, and the practice to go along with each lesson is straight to the point.

Easy Grammar: Grade 3 book
I was happy to receive a physical book for this review so I didn't have to print anything out, but these books are also available in e-books. I did have to consider taking the pages out or copying the pages as all the answers are right there in the book on the opposite page. At first, I was a little put off by this, but it really is a thick book and working with only a few sheets at a time is preferable.  I also realized it is kind of like a teacher's book. So, I have opted to just tear the pages out as he works through them. There is also a student workbook available for purchase that doesn't include the answers, but I didn't receive that for this review. If I were purchasing this on my own (which we have in the past, many years ago), I would definitely get both this book (to use as a teacher's copy) and the student workbook so I didn't have to tear the pages out. It seems much easier to have that extra book.

The Grade 3 book includes grammar lessons for prepositions, verbs, nouns, adjectives, conjunctions, interjections, adverbs, types of sentences, pronouns, capitalization, punctuation, and writing letters and sentences. There are assessments and reviews at the end of each section as well. It is a complete workbook including all the answers and the teacher helps.

An example of the layout:

The book starts out with prepositions and suggests memorizing them. Following the list of prepositions, there are several pages of questions and activities to help with learning all about the use of prepositions, with lessons included. At the end of the preposition section there are a few pages of review, and then a test.


My son is not a fan of grammar. He doesn't like writing and will fight me to write more than a sentence or two. I love that this book breaks things down, and has very little overall writing. He doesn't have to do a ton of rewriting of sentences to show the answers as most of the questions have space to just write the correct answer down. The title doesn't lie, it really is Easy Grammar!

I love the quick lessons all throughout this book. We have used them in the past, and I am excited to be reminded how much I love the Easy Grammar Systems books. We haven't been keeping up with grammar because it always feels so time-consuming, but with these books, it doesn't. If you'd like to see what other crew members had to say about this and other levels of Easy Grammar Systems you can click on the banner below.

Easy Grammar, Daily GRAMS & Easy Grammar Ultimate {Easy Grammar Systems Reviews}
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