Saturday, May 30, 2020

My weekly notebook: A birthday and a holiday

Life this week...

We had a nice long weekend for Memorial day. We also celebrated a birthday on Sunday. Aaron turned 14. He didn't want much, and a party was definitely out due to quarantine, but I tried to make it a special day/weekend for him. I like celebrating people. Especially people in my family. I think birthday's are a special way to do that. Taking time to really appreciate someone just for being born is just a cool thing to celebrate.


We didn't do much for Memorial day. Once upon a time we used to camp (it's been a few years) every Memorial day weekend to kick off our camping season. I caught myself remembering some of those camping trips, and the happy memories we made during those. I'm thankful for memories like those that I can look back on during times like these. About the only thing we did was make some American flags with chalk pastels.


Homeschool this week...

I tell ya, it is getting harder and harder to get a full day of school in around here. The weather is getting nicer, and we just want to play. All of us. Being at home all the time does not equal more work getting done either because...I don't know why. I just know it's harder to focus for many reasons right now. So, I think I will highlight a curriculum that was worked on today. This week I will share our reading curriculum. I have really enjoyed Mosdos Press Literature. We received this in our Timberdoodle kits for each boy, so we have the 3rd, 6th, and 8th grade. I really like the stories in each level. The pictures inside are colorful, and there are so many great questions to answers about the readings. Lots of great information packed in these books!

It does get a bit confusing knowing which levels are whose because they don't have numbers. I can see the benefits of not having numbers, and I actually like that, but I needed a way to quickly figure out whose book it is so I put their names on the front with some masking tape.


The workbook page that Alex (3rd grade) worked on today...

Reviews we are working on...

I am happy to announce that this writing prompt is back on my weekly wrap-up because I am back on the crew! I have missed it. The break was definitely needed, but I'm happy to be doing it again. No reviews yet though.

Places we're going and people we're seeing...

We actually went somewhere this week! I have been itching to get out for a walk in the trees or anywhere (that's not my neighborhood), so we went on a hike to the "witch's house" in Portland. It's one that April has wanted to do for a while now. We tried it once but ended up not having enough time to make it all the way to the witches house. It was a nice hike. Alex really loved it.


Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled

My favorite thing this week was...

Eating this very well crafted cake. It was a little bit of heaven with peanut butter and chocolate going so smoothly together.


Things I'm working on...

Starting a little garden. Growing things to eat. Learning how to do this. I pulled the pool out of it's storage place in our yard today, and it uncovered a beautiful little patch of dirt that I plan to use for a garden as soon as I can get it ready. I only have that hand tiller for now, so it's going to be a long road. Salem wanted to explore this newly uncovered spot in our yard. He proceeded to roll in the dirt.


We have some things we planted a few weeks ago. I decided on a whim to just plant a bunch of stuff with Alex one evening. I had found a bunch of seed packets from last year that we never got around to using so I thought, why not? Let's plant them and see what happens. It has been so fun for Alex to see this process. He planted the seeds and so many of them sprouted so beautifully.



Random things the kids worked on...

Alex has been so excited about his seeds and figuring out where to put them. We were looking at pots at Walmart. Actually, we were looking for a watering can, but found the ceramic pots. Alex wanted to paint the biggest one to put some of his seedlings in. He came up with the idea to paint it like a watermelon. He started today and it looks pretty awesome. It needs another coat, and black seeds. Then it'll be finished.


What we're reading...

So many things! I decided to start reading Anne Frank because it has been years and I want to know if my boys are ready for this yet. The last time I read it was high school so I am looking at this from a different lens in more than one way!


I'm cooking...

I had some german sausage in the fridge that I wanted to use up, and I had recently seen a post from a friend about roasted bratwurst and peppers so I was inspired to make something very similar to hers. I just sliced my sausage up, and added potatoes and onions to her original recipe. It was delicious, and it was gone in a flash. It was a nice and easy one pan dish.

What's working/not working for us...

Having this calendar up is not working for me. It just makes me feel all kinds of emotions when I walk by it knowing that so many things aren't happening. We originally purchased this calendar so we'd have all the events happening in the Portland area at our fingertips in case we wanted to check any of them out. None of these events are happening right now. I need a new calendar.


Questions/thoughts I have...

What will this summer look like?

I'm grateful for...

Air conditioning comfort. We were able to get our air conditioners in this week. What a relief!

A fun picture from the week...

Actually this is from Mother's Day. I love this picture. I never shared it on Mother's Day for some reason, so here it is now.


That wraps up this week!  Hope yours was good.

Friday, May 22, 2020


We've been continuing to enjoy so many of the great components of our Timberdoodle curriculum kits, and I've been meaning to share some of them as we tried new ones out. This is one of those curriculum pieces that I just didn't realize would be awesome. I even enjoy doing these!

We received both the Advanced and 1-2-3 complete a sketch CD's from the 3rd and 6th grade curriculum kits. Having the CD's means I can print up as many pages as we need!


It's basically what it says, completing a sketch. The lines are incomplete and the learner has to connect the lines, creating a sketch. The complete picture is up in the left corner to see what the final result should look like. It can be freehanded or you can use a ruler.

There were a lot of straight lines in this drawing so Aric opted to use a ruler this time.
Aric's completed 2D sketch of a sailboat. He really likes doing these.


He also completed the castle on the same day.


Alex has the easier version, complete-a-sketch 123.


He starts out with very basic shapes, which is very good for him. It will get more challenging after he works through the shapes.


Thursday, May 21, 2020

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for:

33. Things starting to open back up.
34. Blogs and websites that offer so much helpful advice, curriculum, and much more.
35. Slow mornings where we don't have to be anywhere or do anything by a certain time.

This is a continuation of my thankful list. My last thankful Thursday post was on 5/14/20.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for:

30. Medications, vitamins, and supplements
31. The healing powers of the body
32. A truly good night's rest (I don't come by those often anymore)

This is a continuation of my thankful list. My last thankful Thursday post was on 4/30/20.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

My weekly notebook: Nothing much happened

Life this week...

Some weeks are jam-packed with a ton of stuff, and some weeks are just so so. This was one of those weeks that was just so so, and I'm left scratching my head wondering what we did all week because it just didn't feel like much. We did get a lunch date in this week though! It was on Monday. We went to Popeye's for lunch, ate in the car, and then went to Winco for groceries. The company and the food was so good!


Homeschool this week...

One of the fun things we did for school was playing this "race to 100 game." We originally learned about it from Alex's Dimensions math book, but we still play it once in a while because it's great for review. Basically, you race to 100 by rolling a dice, collecting ones, trading those for 10's until you reach 100.


We both won once. Maybe we'll have to go higher next time. Like 1,000!


Also, we still have many pieces of curriculum that we haven't used yet since receiving all our new curriculum in January from Timberdoodle. Alex finally tried his new typing program out for the first time. He really enjoyed it.


Places we're going and people we're seeing...

Mother's day is this weekend so Alex and I ventured out to Bauman Farms to see what kind of hanging baskets they have. We were able to walk through their whole section of hanging baskets and found so many beautiful varieties. I wanted them all. It was just so beautiful. But, we picked just one out for me for Mother's Day. He absolutely loved all the flowers. His love of flowers and gardens is refreshing and impresses me. I told him today that I think he'll have a beautiful garden one day. He's always the one begging me to get plants at the store or plant seeds or start a garden.


This is not actually the one we ended up taking home, but it was pretty so we got a picture. Actually, I think we were thinking about this one, but we decided on a different one. We didn't get a picture of it, yet. When I get it up in front of our house I will. After our trip to Bauman's we went and picked up some flowers from the Bishop of our ward at church and a list of Mother's to deliver them to. We drove around and left them on their doorstep! It was so nice to get out and spread some love.


My favorite thing this week was...

Creating a fun Star Wars day for my family.

I'm cooking...

I had some lemons that needed to be used up (a whole Costco bag of them), and April said lemon bars sounded good so I decided to make 2 batches of lemon bars. One gluten-free and one regular. They turned out delicious even though I forgot some of the butter in April's crust (oops, sometimes you lose track of measurements when you're trying to do it twice). April was able to freeze a good portion of hers so she can have some for later, and the rest of us devoured the non-gluten free ones. So yummy!

Lemon bars made with flour

Lemon bars made with gluten-free flour.
That wraps up our week! Happy Mother's Day to you (if you are celebrating)!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Wordless Wednesday: Star Wars Day

These are just some of the activities we did on May the fourth (Star Wars day). Most of these are just simple activities, but it sure made for a fun day. It was easy to find a lot of Star Wars-themed stuff that we already own in our house too.

Lego Star Wars: The Padawan Menace (video)

R2D2 craft found on Pinterest

Completed crafts from left to right: Alex, Aric, and Mom.

Pool noodle light sabers




Millenium falcon LEGO set borrowed from a friend


Masks from McDonald's from the last big movie that came out, I think?

Nerf targets made from toilet paper rolls
A puzzle that I'm not sure I'm brave enough to start
 We ended the day watching Star Wars IX: The Rise of Skywalker.

Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost