Friday, January 22, 2021

My Weekly notes

Life this week...

I've had a lot of friends and people that I follow on various social media places recently take the challenge to be off of at least social media for a length of time. Some are completely leaving it, some are taking a long break (like weeks), and some for a few days or a weekend. I have decided to follow that challenge too. I've needed to for sometime, but just haven't been sure I wanted to, or could really do it. But, I need to. I've started to realize just how much Facebook and social media is affecting me on a daily basis, and how much I rely on it as an escape. For now I'm doing weekends with no social media (Facebook, and Instagram). I've taken the app off my devices already, and I'm already noticing how much my brain switches to the FB "craving." I'd love to do an extended time off, but I do have groups and pages that I am tied to or manage. So, I think weekends are a great compromise. I am already liking the relief of not worrying about what is happening or what I'm going to post.

Homeschool this week...

We have a lot of focus on finances this school year. Aric is taking a personal finance class at co-op, and that has led to us listening to a book called Katie Bell and the Wishing Well: A Story of Finding True Wealth. Even Alex has enjoyed this book, so it seemed fitting to start this Thinking Tree Journal: All About Money


This week he looked at the history of money. Like what was used before paper money, and he pulled out some old coins that were given to him, and that he's collected. (while we were reading about a kid who was showing his coins to his class). It turned out to be a fun lesson for him. He loves collecting coins.


Those are all Canadian coins (pictured below). Someone gave him quite a few of those! I never realized how much theirs looks like our American coins.

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Reviews we are working on... 

We have some reading reviews, a math review, and a few book reviews coming up. Lots of fun new things we're working on!

Helpful homeschool tips and advice to share...

Set the example for learning. Are you still taking time to learn each day? Either right along with your kiddo, or on your own? Sometimes digging in yourself will open up eyes and change attitudes toward learning and school. I have noticed that pretty much any time I set out to do something that involves reading or learning my kids notice. Sometimes they even join me! Without my even asking them. If I start they often follow. But, even if they don't, sometimes just seeing you plants that thought in their head that studying/learning must be important. I wish I were better about taking time each day to learn. I'm always working on it. I'm definitely trying to read more.

Places we're going and people we're seeing...

We had a Dr.'s appointment this week, and some of us were waiting in the car, so we listened to an audiobook. It was a beautiful day!

My favorite thing this week was... 

Seeing these crocuses pop up in my neighbor's yard already. It's always a fun sign that spring is on its way.


My kids' favorite thing this week was...

Alex loved building this LEGO set last weekend that he purchased with some earned money. 

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Things I'm working on... 

Being intentional about my health and other areas of my life. I made a goal this week to exercise everyday, and drink my shakes everyday. So far I have 4 of 5 days for Shakes, and 5 of 5 days for exercising. Eating, sleeping and other bad habits need some intentional change too, which I'm working on.

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Random things the kids worked on... 

Just some LEGO building and beyblading.

Something I accomplished...

I can't think of anything other than basic house stuff.

What we're reading...

We haven't been reading much, but to see a few things we read this week look at my Facebook blog page posts

Movies we watched... 

We watched Rocketman by Disney. Such a funny movie. Alex is studying space and getting ready to dive into NASA's mission to Mars Student Challenge, so this was a fun way to get excited to learn about Mars. 

Games we played...

We played pictionary for family night and for math today we played a Fraction Formula game that Alex got for Christmas.


I'm grateful for...

Friday! For the end of a week, a chance to rest and prepare for a new one.

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost