Tuesday, December 27, 2022

A game and a puzzle for Christmas break

We are on Christmas break over here and everyone is home. Including April! We love when April is home because she likes to play games and do puzzles with us! (Okay, we like having her home for more than that, but it sure is a great bonus!) Anyway, we pulled out one of our favorites when we have a lot of time to play, Wingspan. I have already blogged about this game in my favorite family games abc series, but I just had to share about it again. 


These bird cards are just so pretty. The details are really good, and we get to learn a few facts about them while also learning their names.


This game has so many things to do on each turn that it gets confusing sometimes, but once you figure it all out (or remember as was the case last night), it's a lot of fun. There are eggs and food and types of nests and habitats. Lots of good stuff!


There's even a "bird feeder." This game is so well built. I hope it lasts a long time.


Puzzle time! I had started a puzzle before April got home on Christmas Eve. She jumped right in and did all the parts I was dreading, the trees, and the blue and black backgrounds. Yay! I was thrilled. Now we can start a new puzzle.

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost