Friday, December 2, 2022

Outdoor time

Shortly after school started this school year we decided to join some other homeschoolers for a once a week hiking group that meets on Monday afternoons to walk/hike somewhere. We have made some new friends and it gets us outside and moving. It has been a so good for us. Hiking through the fall most Mondays has just been spectacular. I am much more motivated to get outside when there are others going too.

Our hike on Monday this week ended up a bit wet at the beginning, but the sun did peek out a few times and we even got some spectacular rainbows.

(Picture taken by a friend)

Alex loves the Monday hikes because one of his best friends is there too. They keep each other going even when they are tired.

Picture taken by a friend

We get some really beautiful scenery even when we're walking somewhere close in to town. (The hike this week ended up being at Rood Bridge Park in Hillsboro)

Picture taken by a friend

Just a few weeks ago I learned of another local group that has weekly meet-ups/hikes/walks outdoors called Wild + Free, so we are giving that a try to see if it's a good fit. They meet on Thursdays, which is enough time for us to recover from the Monday hike. This week was our 2nd time with this group. This is a bit younger of a crowd, but it's still nice to be with others. I love seeing the little ones discover outdoors again.


This week's hike was at the Hopkins Demonstration Forest. It was pretty. We played by a creek for a bit.


 I love seeing the new growth after having such a dry summer


There were some fun places to explore and play. I love that this group takes the time to stop and do this. Actually, both of our current hiking groups do this, it's lovely.


The kids had fun playing with a water pump.


Time for a selfie with my hiking buddy. He was tired. It was a hilly hike, and we finally had a chance to sit down.


We had a lovely time outdoors this week!

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost