Life this week...
It was spring break week for the schools in our area, so we ended up doing some things with friends which means we had a little bit of a break this week too. I wasn't planning to take a break since we need to catch up on some things, but I didn't want to miss opportunities to get out and do some things. We ended up going to Enchanted Forest, 2 hikes, and a ventriloquist show. All of our other usual activities and classes were off this week, like all music lessons and chess club. It was a nice week off and I'm definitely excited for some nicer weather, but I am ready to get back into our stuff next week.
Homeschool this week...
We worked through some math, and did a lot of PE! That's about it for the week.
Mom-school this week...
Not much accomplished here either. Just some reading.
Helpful homeschool tips and advice to share...
Find some inspiring podcasts to listen to. Especially geared toward homeschooling if that's where you need the inspiration. I have been finding the 1000 hours outside podcast so inspiring for getting outdoors, but also for parenting and raising kids in general.
Places we're going and people we're seeing...
One of our hikes was at a place by the river where Alex likes to stack rocks. We've been there before, so this was his 2nd time stacking here. He said it was relaxing. It also gave him something to do while we were outside. Such an awesome activity!
I gave him the challenge while we were on our walk to make some art in nature. This is definitely art!

This particular walk/park is right on the edge of the Willamette River. I was thankful it was dry for the time being.

Some flowers are finally starting to bloom after our long winter.

Afterwards some of our group went over to the food trucks about 5 minutes away for lunch. Alex loved this experience, and these tacos.
A few of our favorite things this week...
Going to Enchanted Forest, going dancing for the first time in a very long time (just me and hubby), and building a new LEGO set (mom).
Something I accomplished...
I made this cute little LEGO Happy Easter sign and I'm actually loving how it turned out.
Movies/TV we watched...
I watched Where the Crawdads Sing because Michele recommended I do so. It was good but very sad and definitely one you need to be emotionally prepared for.
Outdoor time...
We are at about 80 outdoor hours out of our 1000 hours outside challenge.
South Falls at Silver Falls State Park where we hiked on Monday.
Games we played...
We played Cat-opoly, and one round of Skyjo which the oldest boy joined us for and he learned how to play the game!
Aside from the sign I already mentioned I made this Up house set. It was so fun to build. I'm kinda sad it's done, but it looks awesome.
I'm cooking/eating...
Actually, this week it's what is Aric cooking/eating? He has been wanting to try his hand at fried chicken, and we finally got around to making it this week. He wanted to do a copycat of KFC chicken, so he found a recipe that he wanted to try.
It didn't come out quite as good as KFC. We might have to try a different recipe or tweak some things. But, overall it was still a yummy lunch. We also made shells and cheese, and biscuits to go with the chicken.
I'm grateful for...
A lot of LEGO building time this week while watching General Conference over the weekend.