Monday, October 14, 2024

My Weekly Notebook: Week 41



Life this week...

The leaves are starting to get really pretty around here. Makes me just want to be outside all hours of the day. I love this time of year. I'm really trying to enjoy the present moments because time just seems to be on warp 10 lately and those moments are gone in the blink of an eye. So, enjoying the moments and worrying less, easy right?   

Homeschool this week...

I discovered this week when I wanted to print a math worksheet for Alex that all of my subscriptions had ended for my favorite websites. It's tough to decide if I want to renew right now because we are almost grown out of most of them that stop at about the 6th grade level. There is always Teachers Pay Teachers of course, which I love.

Mom-school this week...

I decided to try my hand at doing an Inktober daily prompt. The day I did this, the prompt was "snack". I drew a Pringles can because it seemed like an easy enough thing to draw.

Places we're going and people we're seeing...

We decided to go to the drive-in with some friends and there was a beautiful sunset while we waited for the movie to start.

Things I'm working on...

 I decided to grow some herbs again. I am starting with cilantro and they are starting to come up.

Something I accomplished...

I accidently bought a bag of hot peppers that I thought were regular bell peppers. So, I had to do something with them! I finally got around to pickling them. I need to remember to wear gloves next time. My hands burned for a long time after that.

Movies/TV we watched... 

We watched the new Beetlejuice Beetlejuice movie, and Batman (1989) at the drive-in on Friday night.

Outdoor time...

We got about 14 ish hours outside this week! The drive-in really helped bump that number up!

Games we played...




I really love to participate in the online LEGO community on Instagram. They have these challenges on certain days where you post a picture that relates to the theme or challenge. On Mondays it's Minifig Mug Monday, so I posted a picture of my mug with some halloween themed minifigs. It's one of my favorite challenges to participate in.


I'm grateful for... 

I'm grateful for the perfect weather we've had this weekend, sunny and mid 70's for a high.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Thankful Thursday


I'm blessed to have wonderful date nights with the hubby. I am also for dates with the kids once in a while.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

My Weekly Notebook: Week 40


Life this week...

We are still having pretty decent weather! In fact we have a forecast for 80 tomorrow which is crazy for this time of year. Sunshine too. Usually the rain has set in pretty good by now. We had one rainy day this week and I loved it. It felt very cozy and like a stay inside day. I know I will be sick of the rain soon enough, but for now I am ready for it to just be here.

Homeschool this week...

Alex is starting to learn the beginnings of algebra and he's rocking it. That's about all I've got for homeschool this week, lol.

Mom-school this week...

I did some chemistry reading so I can catch up to be able to help my chemistry student. I made a notebook page and everything because there are just some things I can't seem to keep straight in my brain!

Helpful homeschool tips and advice to share...

We are only a few weeks into the new school year and I already feel like we are getting into some of our old daily "ruts" and all of us just wanting to quit already. It's hard! No advice, just encouragement to keep going (because I need it myself too). We'll be okay!  

Places we're going and people we're seeing...

I took the boys to the Portland Gaming Retro last weekend. They went the first 2 days with a friend, but Alex wanted to go for one day too, so I took them all one day. It was a blast and reminded me of how much I enjoy hanging out with my boys.

A few of our favorite things this week...

I think hands down it would be the gaming expo if I asked the boys. My favorite thing from this week was going to tea time at a fun little tea place for book club.

My tea at GrannyFi's

Things I'm working on...

Getting back into doing more of the things I love. Creating things, doing art, LEGO, handicrafts, quilting, photography, and sharing it with others. I need to make goals again to help with this.

Random things the kids worked on...

Aric made some homemade sourdough bread for the 2nd time. He wants to try new recipes and get better at it. I love that he still loves to cook!

Something I accomplished...

I woke on Monday morning to a very chaotic and cluttered table, so that was my task for the beginning of the week to get it clear. I did it! It's always so nice to see a clean table. Guess what I have to do tomorrow (Monday) morning? It's not as bad as it was last Monday though.


What we're reading...

I finished the book Storm in a Teacup, The Physics of Everyday Life by Helen Czerski. It was a lot for my brain to take in, but it was a great book.

Movies/TV we watched... 

We watched Coraline for a fun movie night.

Outdoor time...

Looks like we got about 3 hours of outside time last week. We definitely are lacking in this area for the whole year. We are almost to 321 hours out of 1000. Looks like another goal we need to make a priority is getting outside more!

Games we played...

Alex played Codenames at the library with the teens on Friday during our homeschool group gathering. He loves that game! We haven't played a game at home for wayyyy too long. 


I started a few LEGO projects. First off, I got the new Nightmare Before Christmas set so I started on that one. I did the first 2 bags.

I also started a mosaic project that is taking me a lot longer than I thought it would of Jack's face from Nightmare Before Christmas. I am excited to see how this one comes out.

I'm cooking/eating...

I made sourdough english muffins, pumpkin chocolate chip muffins, and homemade pizza with sourdough crust. All so yummy! 

Other thoughts from the week...

Sometimes you just need to get your black cat some bat wings.

I'm grateful for...

I am grateful for this time that I take to think about the week. It really helps me to put things into perspective. I highly recommend it!

Monday, September 9, 2024

Books I finished--August 2024

I finished one book in August. I was hoping for at least two, but I was happy to have finished this one at least. I do have several going right now so I'm hoping to have more for next month!

No Nonsense Spirituality by Brittney L. Hartley

I discovered No Nonsense Spirituality as I have recently been discovering there are many ways to be spiritual. This book helped me tremendously because I don't want to go too far down any "woo" path that claims to be the best spiritual way or gets too weird. I just want to tap into other ways of being spiritual. I really like her practical ideas and ways of doing this.


p. 198 -- Something that every therapist and spiritual director can agree on is that rewriting your story with self-compassion for your past, being inspired by stories that resonate with you, returning to those stories again and again, and intentionally writing your own story is just good mental health. 

My Weekly Notebook: Week 41

    Life this week... The leaves are starting to get really pretty around here. Makes me just want to be outside all hours of the day. I lov...