Monday, January 13, 2025

A Weekly Journal: Week 2

This is a no-picture week because I can't get the pictures from my phone to the computer currently. I may add some later.

Life this week...

I Spent much of the week still sick and recovering. My voice was gone by Monday and most of the week I couldn't talk. That sure makes life hard!

Homeschool this week...

We had a hard time getting back into the swing of things after the holiday break, but I think we did okay. Math, science, and aviation were all worked on throughout the week. Alex is learning about robots for science, and for math we finally finished the squares game we started before Christmas. Oh and we did some pastel art too! It was Starry Night.

Mom-school this week...

I did some math pages in my adult math refresher workbook. I also did the pastel art project with Alex. 

Places we're going and people we're seeing...

We started back up at Village Home this week and we saw friends again! I got to visit with mom friends while Alex went to class. That's about the only place we went to besides stores and usual places. Oh the boys did go to their D&D group on Saturday night.

A few of our favorite things this week...

The sunshine and taking walks in the sun was definitely my favorite thing.

Things I'm working on...

I am working on making a small 8x8 mosaic every day of January and it's going really well. I have been able to make one everyday so far, and I've only wanted to quit once. But I didn't! Every time I make one it gives me motivation to keep going. I'm also liking the ones I made so far. This challenge has been really fun. Those are all posted on Instagram at

Random things the kids worked on...

Aaron has been working on building a guitar and he worked on that quite a bit this week. Alex worked on moving his body more and started walking.

Outdoor time...

This was our first official week and we got about 3.5 hours. Those were mostly my personal walks. We didn't do much this week because I just wasn't feeling great most of the time. 

I'm cooking/eating...

I made english muffins and a lot of the usuals like tacos, Costco Pizza, and leftovers of something but can't remember what (sure feels like we eat leftovers a lot!)

I'm grateful for...

Everyday that I get up and keep going.

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost