In my life this week...I have decided that I need to take a huge step back from facebook. I'm getting frustrated when I get on there to do one thing, and it just sucks me in. Before I know it I've wasted an hour (or 2 or 3). I really want to get back to blogging more. I'm pretty sure facebook is also the reason I have neglected my blogs so much. I really want to get more of the great stuff we do posted. It's not only the time issue with facebook, I have other reasons that I really just dislike it. But, then at the same time I love keeping up with friends and family. Ugh!
We started reading Pagoo. April started reading Black Beauty. We did some math. We finished the chapter on ancient China in STOW. Not a whole lot was accomplished though. I might just call that our spring break :-)
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share...start your day with classical music if you have boys or kids that need some focus and calming down. Sometimes we even start with listening to bible songs, or sing-alongs. I recently figured this out, and since we've started it has helped immensly.
Places we're going and people we're seeing...we went to sky high on Monday for homeschool day, and the kids jumped on trampolines for an hour. Thursday we went to the Salem, OR Capitol building for homeschool apple pie day. Friday morning was spent at the library playing on the computer for the little boys, and for April she joined the homeschool group art time upstairs.
My favorite thing this week was...finding some great deals at a thrift store up in Portland. April found some skirts, I found some books and decorations, and Aaron found a fun lego planner. I loved how cheap it all was too.
My kiddos favorite thing this week was...I think they liked apple pie day a lot. They were all so excited, and loved going to see the capitol building. My 4 year old even said on the way home that it was the best day. (even though we had to leave early and miss the rest of it)
Things I'm working on...busy bags. I have a busy bag swap coming up so I'm working on making 20 of these clothesline busy bags. I'm excited to see the fruits of this labor, and have 19 new busy bag games for my little ones to enjoy!
I'm cooking...3 apple pies, tacos, Ikea style meatballs and mashed potatoes, and a birthday cake. That's most of what I made this week, I think.
I'm grateful for...this week being over, and looking forward to a new one.
I rewarded my kids this week by...letting them play skylanders on Thursday and Friday night. Usually they only get to play on Saturday. Thursday night was Daddy's birthday, and Friday night was because this has been a long week :-)
Something I am ogling or have my eye Hubby has been looking at boats. He wants to get a boat for family outings. It is something that I have always thought would be fun too. Of course I'm not ogling over this as much as he is we'll see.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share...these guys sure love skylanders at the moment. They love to play with the characters all week long, and dream about when they finally get to play the game on the wii on Saturday.
To see what others are sharing in their homeschool journals visit iHomeschool network.
I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook, too. I won't leave it because of family and my church stay connected that way, but I did do a couple things that really helped trim my time on there. First I quit playing all games and if someone sends me a game request, I block the application. Those sucked me in SOOOO much. The other thing I did was unfriend anyone I'm not actually friends with like people from high school that I don't actually talk to and other casual acquaintances. That cuts down on the amount of stuff in my feed.