In my life this week...Hubby and I celebrated our 14 year anniversary. We spent it taking the kids to a fun theme park. The one thing I wanted to do was get a picture of us together capturing a moment of that day. I forgot, so no picture of us together. I'm a little bummed about that. Otherwise it was a fun day.
In our homeschool this week... Aaron did a lot of science this week. He figured out how to work his
Hot Wheels rocket car science kit that he got for his birthday. It's powered by vinegar and baking soda, and launches from the pressure built up when the ingredients combine. He and Daddy have it figured out pretty good. Turns out every time I touch it (or even look at it) it doesn't work.
Aaron also built a bridge with his new bridge kit he found at a used curriculum sale.
We have also been doing a little cat unit, so we worked on cat lapbooks, read lots of cat books, and April started the chapter on cats in her Zoology 3 book. She finally figured out that she can take notes in her journal as she reads! I'm so glad she finally gets it, I've only been telling her that she can do that for how many years? She is enjoying the cat chapter too.
Helpful homeschool advice or tips to share...change your attitude. It makes a difference!
Places we're going and people we're seeing...Monday the only place we went was the Dr.'s. April was not recovering from her cold so we took her in to have her ears checked. We enjoyed the park with some homeschool friends on Tuesday because we all were finally feeling a bit better. Wednesday we went to the library up in Wilsonville to sign up for their summer reading and science program. Then in the afternoon April had her last activity girls day where they played a game and ate banana splits. On Thursday we had 2 things planned, but ended up doing none of them because it was wet and rainy and both activities were outside. Instead we packed to leave for Washington that evening. We spent Thursday night through Saturday night up in Washington visiting Uncle Marc and family. We went to the Pacific science center in Seattle on Friday. That place was amazing! A lot of fun too! Then on Saturday we took the kids to a theme park with rides and a water park. It was busy and fun. I have to admit I really enjoyed being up in Washington.
The butterfly garden at the Pacific science center in Seattle |
My favorite thing this week was...driving around downtown Seattle to get to the science center. I wish we would have had more time to explore there more. Oh, and giving away 3 dozen eggs from our backyard today to families who wanted them.
My kiddos favorite thing this week was...this...helping Daddy destroy our old stinky couches to take to the dump.
Things I'm working for a triathlon. I turned in the registration the very last possible moment. Even then I hesitated. Can I really do this? I have no idea, but I'm going to give it a "tri." (pun intended) The women's organization of my church is holding this triathlon, and it's at the end of August, so I have 2 months!
I'm grateful time on long trips. Toilet plungers, and stores that have one when you need one in a pinch. Fresh air, and cool breezes. A wonderful Daddy for my kiddos. Happy anniversaries to celebrate that special day. Father's day.
What we're reading...The little ones are reading some cat books. I'm reading The Work and the Glory volume 2. April is currently listening to The Hobbit.
These were two cat books that were read several times. |
A photo, video, link, or quote to of my kiddos having fun at the science center and theme park in WA.
Aric loved this little purple slide. I had fun trying to get pics of him coming down it! He thought he was running fast enough for me to not catch him! |
Grandma, Aric and I on the lazy river. It was lazy :-) |
Aric and I went on the tea cups together. |
at the science center squirting water outside. |
Another shot of the butterflies at the Pacific science center |