Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Alexander's 3rd birthday

Here I am behind again!  It is for a good reason!  Life has turned upside down over here, but more on that later.  I've had this post in the works for a few weeks, so it's time to get to it.

Alexander turned 3!
Happy Birthday!!

I loved how his very green and yellow tractor birthday turned out.  I threw it together very quickly, and at the last minute.  For some reason I felt it should be done on his birthday, and not wait until mid-January like I was originally planning.  Now I know why!  So glad this happened when it did.

Here he is on the morning of his party (December 30th, 2013). He was one happy kid with a tractor theme!  He couldn't get enough of that yellow tractor balloon.


I loved that we already had so many John Deere tractor toys that I could decorate the mantle with them!




The party favors.
I made some "tractor" cookies in a jar for each family, and had some goodie bags for the kids.
That cookies in a jar project was almost a complete fail.  I think I hit almost every possible road block, and failure with those things.  Just glad I was able to pull them together!  They were supposed to have only yellow and green m&m's, oh well!


Tractor cupcakes!


I'm so glad these were so simple to make because those jars about did me in :-)


April made this big # 3 for Alex using washi tape and stickers.  It really helped him to understand what number he is now.  I think he just figured out he was 2 like a few months ago.


One tractor party complete with farm scene out back.  I thought that was pretty perfect.
So glad we didn't get rid of our chicken coop!


Opening presents...


Getting ready to blow out the candle!


Everybody singing, mostly.


One of the times I'm thankful for a huge picnic table!


He didn't want to get near the flame.


Time to get a little closer.


The whole gang.  I was so glad that some friends could join us!


For dinner we went Red Robin for his birthday dinner as a family.
He didn't quite know what to think about the servers singing to him.
I think he thought it was a little odd.
He never touched his sunday either.
Weird kid.
Oh well, he had a super fun BIRTHDAY!



1 comment:

  1. Sounds so fun, I'm sad we missed it. Happy birthday Alex! Hope you guys are all doing well.


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost