Thursday, August 21, 2014

A day in the life of: Our first day back

I call this our first day, but we have been trying to do some learning all summer long.  This was our first day back to getting into a school routine, and adding in a few subjects. We are jumping back in with a Download and Go unit study "Pizza Party" for the boys, and a Before Five in a Row week of Yellow ball.  Those are going to be our focus for our first week back.  Also, we don't have all our new books yet, just a few.  I still have some decisions to make for curriculum which is why I haven't gotten to posting about it yet. 

Anyway, this day was pretty perfect as far as expectations for a first day.  Our day started at around 6:30, like usual.  I don't remember many details of the morning except that we had scripture time after breakfast around 8:00 am.  Then it was time to have some pizza fun!

We started out with the boys watching Pete's a Pizza.  What a cute story, and a perfect way to jump into our pizza week!  It was a video book, so that made it a pretty fun story time. 

I took the picture at the end of the story, I was too lazy to rewind it and catch a good part of the story :-)
While I started the day 1 of pizza week with the 2 older boys, Alex played with this preschool pizza busy bag.  It was hard for Aric to not play too, but he eventually got his pages done.  They had fun making all kinds of pizzas.


April worked pretty independently through all of her subjects.  She doesn't have a science curriculum yet so she worked on her snap circuits.


After I finished with the boys' pizza fun, I started some Yellow Ball fun with Alex.  We read the story, and he wanted to read it over again so we did.  He wanted to read it a 3rd time, but I had to tell him that we're reading it all week!  So, I distracted him by playing with him with his yellow ball I bought him especially for this row.  He loves his yellow ball.  It has been to the park with us almost every time over the last few days.

Then I convinced him he wanted to make a yellow ball on construction paper.  He liked drawing the big circle and cutting it out.


Alex's Yellow Ball with construction paper.
At around 11:30ish everyone was ready for some lunch.  While I made lunch the boys watched the other stories on the DVD with Pete's a Pizza.  It had several on there.

Aaron had the genius idea with all our talk about pizza to make a solar oven out of an old pizza box.  He cooked a hot dog in it.  It came out pretty good!


In the afternoon we read our first reading from the new science book for this year.  We/I am very excited for science this year with the boys.  We are learning all about water creatures!  I love the ocean, rivers, and lakes.  I'm looking forward to all the field trips I already have in mind with this one.



I decided that the kids did pretty well for their first day, and we had a pretty hot afternoon so we headed to the river for a quick dip.  We don't have very many days left to do this, so I like to take the opportunities while we still can.  We even had the conversation about swimming creatures/non-swimming creatures while swimming, reviewing our first science lesson from earlier.





  We left around 4:30.  It was earlier than the older kids wanted to go, but Alex was getting cold, and I forgot towels.  Silly me!

So we packed up and headed home.  We got home, and I wasn't in the mood for cooking a big dinner so we had pancakes! 

After pancakes we had FHE (family home evening) learning about budgeting and the importance of tithing, which ended like this...

 Apparently the fake money was a big hit, and it was a great FHE.  It was just a messy floor after it was all done.  We had some great discussion about money and where money should go first.

Then it was time to get ready for bed.  The boys get dressed in their pj's and get into bed for Dad to read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory aloud to them.  At this point it was around 8 ish.  Sorry I didn't write anything down, just going by memory here.  After he reads it's lights out, and time to reset for the next day!

I am linking this with Our Busy Homeschool's one hoemschool day.  It's fun to get a glimpse into other families homeschool days! 



  1. It was a lot of fun to read your day Desiree! Love love love the FIAR, Snap Circuits, and Apologia for science for the boys! And the solar oven - I need to turn my kids loose on that one day soon when it's not raining.

    What are you considering for you 7th grader's science?
    I wish we lived close, I'm sure my kids would have fun with yours and we have several similar ages!

    1. Tristan, thanks! I hope you guys get to the solar ovens. I just love it when my kids come up with their own ideas that fit exactly into what we're doing.

      I have thought the same thing about how fun it would be to get to know your family too! For science April, who is actually 8th grade this year (I need to update the pics), will be doing Exploring Creation with Physical Science.

    2. Makayla is too and she would love someone to do it with (and complain about it with - she's a life science girl and would rather skip right to biology). LOL

  2. Smooth first day - how lovely!

  3. Looks like a great first day! Where did you guys go to the river? That looks like a fun place! :D

    1. Diana, We went to the Molalla river at Feyrer park. Nice swim hole there. It does cost to park at the park though.

  4. We've loved Pete's a Pizza around here for years. :) I think those Scholastic book videos are quite well done. What a happy day at your house!

  5. What an awesome day! I love the river and pizza party unit. My kids did that one a few years ago. We also love FIAR.
    Blessings, Dawn


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost