Saturday, July 23, 2016

My Homeschool Mother's Journal: Birthday week

Life this week:

Aric turned 8 on Sunday, so we celebrated that last Saturday at the park with some friends (post to come). Then the week started out with a lot of getting ready for Aric's baptism on Tuesday evening. There's a lot to planning a whole baptism! It all came together wonderfully though, and the evening was just perfect. I will probably do a whole post about his baptism soon. This week was also Aaron's ukulele camp every day except Friday. He loved it, and now wants lessons. He really liked the instructor that did the camp. He picked up a few songs, and was playing happy birthday, Star Wars, and a few others by the end of the week.


In our homeschool this week:

We have some great reviews we are working on right now. One of them is Spanish for kids by kids. It has been fun doing those lessons, and the kids are picking up a lot. We also received our new astronomy books this week from Apologia. We jumped right in, and Alex loves his new science book. Aric has been asking to learn about the planets for a while, so I'm excited for this opportunity to jump right in.

All of the astronomy curriculum right out of the box.

Places we went and people we saw:

We started out the week bowling, and we had some homeschool friends come this time! It was fun to have some company.


I decided on a whim to go to Starbucks one day during Aaron's ukulele camp. We never really do this, so I thought the kids might like the special treat. The littles got hot cocoa *it was 80 out*. April and I had a berry thing. It was delicious.


We were invited to a farm birthday party for a homeschool friend who turned 7. The kids all had a fun time, and Alex just loved the rocking horse and tractor. So many cool things on a farm! Oh, and I just noticed April in the bottom of the rocking horse picture drinking her root beer.



Something I accomplished this week:

Putting the pool up! This pool was bought back in 2012, put up that summer, taken down when the summer was over, and sitting in our shed ever since. We skipped a lot of summers because I just didn't have the desire to deal with a pool, and just wasn't sure I wanted it taking up the whole backyard. Well, this year we pulled it out. Good thing we did because we discovered some kittens in our shed!) Anyway, it was a bear to get cleaned up from sitting in the shed for so long. But, it is exciting to have it up and full again. It's a lot bigger than I remember it being!


It took a few days to fill up because we would turn it off in the evenings or when we left home. That's a lot of water!


The water was freezing as it was filling up because the sun hadn't had time to warm it up at all. But, the kids didn't care. They have already got hours in this thing and it has only been up for 4 days.


I think that about wraps up our week. Next week, cub camp for Aric and Aaron.

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost