In our homeschool this week... I am really trying to have a little learning going on each day. I still have review crew items that have to be worked on throughout the summer, and we take so many days off during the school year that I think it's only fair that we get some stuff done during the summer. All the kids need to catch up on some math as well. With that said there have been many days already this summer that I have not even wanted to look at school work. We didn't do a whole lot during the month of June, and I feel like that was a pretty good rest, and now I'm ready to get back into it more in between camping trips, and fun summer stuff.
Alex started a new review item. It's another Talking Fingers program called Talking shapes. This one should be pretty easy and fun for him because it's all on the computer.
We also received another review product for a Spanish program. We got the first lesson of this done, and the boys loved watching the DVD. I think this one will be very useful.
Places we went... We went a lot of places this week. We had a friend of April's with us for 2 nights and 2 days so we did some mall shopping, and OMSI.
We had fun exploring the new Journey to Space exhibit at OMSI. I find space exploration fascinating, and so do the boys. Here is one of the boys. Can you spot the alien?
This is a "floating in space" simulation with mirrors. Kind of silly. Can you see me taking pictures with my ipad?
Accomplishments this week... I put some pictures back on my wall! I took everything down when we thought we might try to sell the house. My walls have been bare for a long time, and I was really missing having pictures. I decided that I didn't even want to wait until I repaint everything, I need my house to look homey again. So, I found this lovely "W" at Fred Meyer to add to my collection while we were camping, and hung it up on my new "W" wall. I will take a picture of the wall when it is more complete. I have more W's to hang up before it's done. This picture of the W is in my trailer while it lived in there.
My favorite this week... Taking Aric for his 8 year old photo session. I loved doing this with him. I loved that it was special just for him. I loved that he was able to pick the props for his pictures and make them his own. It was truly a fun experience. I used to just take the pictures myself on their birthday, and I probably will still do a photo shoot at the temple with him because this is his special birthday, but it was fun watching instead of being the one doing the shooting this time. I am looking forward to doing this for each of the kids on their birthday this year. I am looking forward to getting their pictures up on the walls too!

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