Wednesday, August 1, 2018

WriteBonnieRose (A REVIEW)

Write Bonnie Rose

We just love science around here, so I was excited to try out this science curriculum from WriteBonnieRose. Over the summer our schooling is a little more relaxed as we go about our various outdoor activities, and Learning About Science Collection, Level 3 (Print) is a great way to squeeze in some quick science learning in between it all. Whether we do it at home, or take it along with us. Reading, writing, and coloring are all that is required for this science!

Learning about Science Collection Level 3 Print

For this review we received pdf's through email for all the topics covered in Level 3. The topics are split up into books, and we received a link for each one. I was able to download them, and print them right up. I chose to just staple the binding on the edge. It works great to keep them all together for each topic, and they don't become bulky with binding. I did consider getting them comb binding all in one book too. That's another option that I often do for printed up books.

I was excited for the Rocks, Minerals, & Crystals topic. Sorry for the poor printing quality, my printer is crazy. The covers are really more colorful and pretty than this. I had to print in black and white (which really doesn't look like black and white, right?)
How does this work? It's really easy. First you read a snippet of information until there is a word to trace, or a picture to color in. That's it! The words that are focused on are vocabulary that relates to each topic covered. There are several little pictures to color on each page, and provide a great visual. The kids have fun coloring those in as they listen or they read them on their own. We took turns reading aloud because I had more than one child working on this, and some were more patient in their coloring than others. This definitely works best with a child who enjoys coloring. My 7 year old enjoyed it pretty good, and he was my main subject as this was closest to his level. I also had my 10 year-old give it a try. He was less patient with the coloring, and it was a bit too easy for him. I would love to see a higher level for him.


What topics are covered in the Level 3 collection? Here is a list, in no particular order:

  • Kinds of Animals and How They Live.
  • What's Going on Inside of Plants?
  • Life in the Ocean's Hidden Zones
  • Forecasting and Understanding the Weather
  • Discovering Rocks, Minerals, and Crystals
  • Exploring the Earth's Landforms
  • Energy and It's Many Forms.
Each of these topics can be done in any order, and are completely independent of each other. They are all just a part of the same collection. There is also Level 1 & 2, and a cursive version of Level 3 (which some other crew members reviewed). Each Level has different topics, and the difficulty of the subjects changes with each level.


I am glad to have found this author Bonnie Rose of WriteBonnieRose. I love this idea of writing and coloring while reading through something. She has a whole website of resources too, not just science. I was very happy with this science curriculum, and I really like her style and method. I think this is a great way to cover some big topics in science!

As I said earlier some of the review crew received different levels to try out. You might want to go check out the great things they did, and what they have to say about it. Just click on the banner below.

Learning About Science collections {WriteBonnieRose Reviews}
Also, there is a great discount right now 50% off until 8/15. Just use the code in this next graphic!

Learning about Science Collection Level 1

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  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost