Saturday, March 2, 2019

B is for Bob's Red Mill

Blogging Through the Alphabet!


This weeks field trip is from a year ago when we toured Bob's Red Mill. This is one of the ones that I never got around to posting at the time it happened, but it was awesome. We use many Bob's Red Mill products, so it was fun to see where it all comes from. We learned all about different grains, and how they are processed. We saw their separate processing area for Gluten free items. We learned about the great man that Bob is, and how he started Bob's Red Mill. We saw lots of big machines, and just had fun.

When we arrived we gathered in a room with some demonsatration items. There was a fun little lecture about grains, and processes. There were even a few hands on activities. The kids got to feel and touch some grains.


There was a bean guessing game...


Then we had a tour of the facotry. This lady was great. She really enjoys what she is doing, and telling the kids about Bob's Red Mill. We heard Bob's is a great place to work too, he really takes care of his employees.


We saw some old equipment, like this old stone grinder.


 More old equipment, and some old flour bags.


We purchased some gluten free oatmeal cups from the store.


More purchases from the store. That store is awesome. Everything you could possibly think of for baking and cooking with grains is there. So many gluten free options too.


That was such a fun field trip. Now we take "field trips" just to the store portion when we are up in the Portland area (not very often, but it's fun when we do).

I am linking this up to Blogging Through the Alphabet Letter B. You can come along too if you have something relating to the letter B!



  1. Where can I sign up to go on your field trips?!?! We use Bob's Red Mill products as well, so it would be neat to see behind the curtain.

  2. How much fun that looks like! I would love to visit Bob's Red Mill!

  3. We love Bob's Red Mill! This sounds like a fun tour.

  4. What a fantastic field trip! Thank you for sharing! :)


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