Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Drive Thru History (A REVIEW)

Acts to Revelations in The New Testament
I love all that there are so many great ways to learn history these days, and one resource that I have just loved is Drive Thru History® with Dave Stotts. My car loving boys really enjoy it too. I mean this guy literally drives through history usually with some cool old off-roading rig. I was excited when this time we got to view the Drive Thru History® "Acts to Revelation" set because we are studying the New Testament this year in our home. It will be a great addition to our studies when we get to those sections. For now I am just watching them on my own to preview them for this review, and so I have an idea of what they will be featuring for when we get there. Although, my boys did join me for an episode because they saw I was watching, and wanted to join in.

The front cover with the DVD's and the cover of the study guide.
This is the thickness of the whole DVD case, and the book is in the middle.
We received a physical set of DVD's for this review. It came in a nice sturdy case with a slip cover to keep it all closed up. When the DVD case is out of the slip cover it opens up like a book with the DVD's securely in place on the inside covers and a study guide in the middle. The study guide is part of the case so it doesn't come out, and therefore the whole case really does act like a book too. There's no chance of loosing that study guide!

Pulling the slip cover off reveals a book-like DVD case.

The study guide has full color pages all throughout with many beautiful pictures like you'd find in the episodes. There are questions for each episode which is great for discussion with the kids/family after (or even during with pauses) the viewing. There are also quotes, "side roads" (bits of fact or information), and scripture reading suggestions for each episode.

A page from the study guide. This is an example of the art work that can be found throughout the episodes.
The episodes themselves are amazing. They are captivating with beautiful scenery, historical sights, funny stories, lots and lots of history, facts, fun music, interesting people, and so much more. All while Dave Stotts is driving a cool car. The art work throughout each episode is fun to watch. It pops in and out, and moves around sometimes looking 3D as Dave talks and walks around the places where the history actually took place. Scripture and quotes are sprinkled throughout, and I love that the words are intertwined with the scenery. It's always fun to read the floating words as you watch, so you don't have to take your eyes away from the beautiful scenery. All in all the episodes are such great quality, and fun to watch.



Drive Thru History® "Acts to Revelation" is packed with information from that whole section of the New Testament from Acts to Revelation. I haven't been able to watch all of them, but I am excited to when we get to that section in our New Testament studies. The boys will love them too. I am also happy to have that study guide right there in the case if we need it. I love that I won't have to chase that thing around!

If you'd like to see what others had to say about Drive Thru History you can click on the image below to find the other crew members' reviews.

Drive Thru History®
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