My kiddos are always trying to think up new ways to earn money for whatever new thing they want to buy, but I want them to learn more than "how do I earn a few dollars for such and such toy." I want them to go beyond that concept and know that earning and spending or saving money has much more to it than just getting stuff, but honestly I haven't been very sure about how to go about doing that. With
The Complete Starter Kit we received from
The Kingdom Code, we had the chance to learn how making a business and being successful goes beyond the making money aspect. It takes a student step-by-step through the process of deciding, creating, and being successful with their own business in God's way.
The Kingdom Code lesson/text book. This is the main book we do lessons with. |
Not only are the lessons in this curriculum packed with great activities, there is a lot of stuff offered with
The Complete Starter Kit. To begin with, we received all the physical books needed to complete the lessons. The lesson/text book (pictured above) is a complete guide with full color pages, easy to read and follow lessons, and lots of great information. It is broken up into 27 lessons, each lesson being several pages long and completed over the course of 2 or 3 days.
The Teacher's Guide. I put mine in a 3-prong folder. |
The Teacher's Guide breaks the lessons down into daily chunks, and helps the teacher know what needs to happen as the lesson progresses on. I received this as a 3-hole punched set of loose leaf papers. I put it into my own plastic folder with metal prongs. I think that's great because then the teacher has a choice of how they want to bind the Teacher's Guide. This is what worked for me. A binder might have been great too.
Activity pages, ready to be put into a binder. |
Along with the lesson book and teacher's guide we received a packet of activity pages. These were also loose papers (in order) ready to be put into our own binder. It was super quick and easy to put these together with the instructions in the teacher's guide.
Another fun part of this kit is The Kingdom Code coloring book. It has all kinds of coloring pages that go along with the lessons and Bible verses. These are great for reinforcing and helpful for busy hands that need something to do during the lessons.
Some of the pages my boys colored from the coloring book!
Kingdom Code Kids receipt book. |
There are many components to this kit! We also received a KCK Receipt Book. I would have loved to have one of these as a kid! To make real receipts for a business transaction feels so official, and it makes everyone more comfortable when there's a paper trail (knowing who bought what, and how much was paid).
We received an extra Kingdom Code Kids budget packet. |
As a bonus for this review The Kingdom Code sent us an extra "JR KCK budget kit." This was for use with a sibling that might also want to work through this at the same time, so we used it as I had two children that wanted to do this together. If you have more than one child using this curriculum there will be some extra things to buy (consumable activity pages, coloring book, and budget kit), but the textbook can be shared.
Using The Kingdom Code Curriculum
Starting our first lesson. We had to go slow and steady at first as there were a lot of new concepts specific to this curriculum as well as the econimics aspect. |
As I said I used this with two of my children. They are 3rd and 5th graders, and this curriculum was a perfect level for both of them. It might have even worked for my 8th grader, but he didn't want to participate. We did the lessons together as a group (me and my 2 boys), going over each part and talking through everything. We had some great discussions, and used the activity pages (usually the older one would do the writing, and the younger one would give answers). There are plenty of stories, new concepts, character development lessons, and hands-on activities packed in each lesson. As well as lots of scriptures and even some story writing. There is a lot of talk about "codes," clues, and armor of God, and treasure all through out the text. It has a complete "knight" theme, which definitely appeals to young children, and my boys could really relate to it. Everything is tied into this theme, so it has to be something your students could get into and enjoy.
Vocabulary cards are so helpful, and they come in the activity pages! |
With every lesson there is new vocabulary, and as part of the activity pages we received a set of vocabulary cards. These are so useful in reviewing some of these new buisness and money management words like income, debt, and financial responsibility.
One of the things I had to obtain on my own in order to prepare for doing this curriculum was some pencil pouches. These are the pouches that the kids need to use once they start making money. They are separated into J-O-E-Y-S (a letter for each pouch) which is: Jesus, Others, Education, You, and Savings. We didn't get to using this part yet, but I am excited to try them out. These pouches are stored in a binder that I also had already.
The binders that housed the J-O-E-Y-S zipper pouches/budget (on left), and the activity pages (on right). |
With all these books there is a lot of material to cover in this curriculum. There is so much to do even within a lesson. It starts in the beginning with just thinking about the kind of jobs a child could do and create, then they create a plan, get things ready to start a business, learn how to take care of the money and budget, evaluate their business and fix things that need to change, and keep going to be successful. All this is learned through 27 incremental lessons.
My boys' list of their top 5 service business ideas that they'd like to try. They both picked a lot of the same things, and yes they still need a few more, but for the most part they decided on yard work. |
The Kingdom Code suggests the student starts out with their first "treasure builder" (business) as a service business, and beginning in lesson one the kids are making lists of their top 5 favorite service businesses. Service is a tough one for these two younger boys to do as their skills are not quite yet refined enough for a making sure things are quality work. They also aren't an age where I'd let them go around doing services on their own. So, my son had the idea to make a slime business.
My son's first batch of glow in the dark slime for his new slime business. |
I am ok with him trying out selling goods for now until he can get old enough to mow lawns or something. He did great figuring out how much to spend on the materials to actually earn a profit. He checked several stores for prices, and decided how big of batches to sell for what price.
Glow in the dark slime for sale! |
He hasn't yet sold any of his slime because he hasn't officially opened it up for business yet. He needs to get through a few more of the lessons that teach about sales (lesson 7) and making sure everything is in order (lesson 8) for launching his business. I am excited for us to get through more of this curriculum to get to that point! There are so many great lessons in this curriculum, not only for an entrepreneur, but also for life! So many great life skills are taught along the way.
Overall, I really enjoy this curriculum. It has a lot to go through and think about for kids wanting to start a business. Things I haven't even thought about! So, I am learning too.
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The glow in the dark slime looks like it is a very cool product! Your children came up with great ideas for service businesses that they could start in the future. We cannot wait to hear about their continued progress through The Kingdom Code.