Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Library books (A REVIEW)

Books! I love books! Even more, I love books that are good quality, at a good price. That is why I am excited to have found Library and Educational Services LLC for great deals on books. Good, high quality, library books! I was able to pick a title from the Who Was...? series, as well as a CD from the Lifehouse Theater CDs, and several titles from the Reinforced Hardcover Library Binding Nonfiction books section. I received a great bundle of books to try out for this review, and I'm excited about this new book resource.


Just before we received this bundle of books in the mail we had just started discovering the Who Was...? series. In our case, we picked out What Was the Holocaust? by Gail Herman. My boys had recently asked what exactly did "the Holocaust" mean. They didn't quite grasp what it was about. This book just lays it out from start to finish, but it's not dry. It's easy to read, and engaging, but also talks about the really hard stuff. The important stuff. The why, and how the person or people got to where they did. Everything is explained. There are even little pauses in the book (or marked off sections) where something that might not be a well-known fact, is explained in further detail. We read it all. We learn things we didn't know before. My boys have enjoyed reading/listening to this book (we read it as a read-aloud), and I look forward to collecting more. Library and Educational Services has some great prices on this series.

Who was...? series
A new to us audio theater CD we received was from  Lifehouse Theater CDs. I had never heard of these before. They are classic stories told in an audio theater production. There are different voices for the different characters, sound effects, and music to tell the story. We picked the story of Rikki-Tikki-Tavi as we had recently read that story for a different review. It was fun to hear it in an audio theater. We all enjoyed this one.

Lifehouse Theater CDs--We chose Rikki-Tikki-Tavi
The first of the nonfiction library bound books we received are these American History with Arts & Crafts titles. These are great books. They each only have a few crafts, but they are meaningful and go along really well with the text. These books are packed with some great information in just a few pages, complete with pictures. Real pictures, from the real-time period. I found myself getting sucked into them, and I wasn't even reading to my kids (although they did read them too).

American History Arts & Crafts book series
These books are easy to read, and packed with information!

Reading about World War I and II
More nonfiction library bound books we received was this set of Colonial People including the Woodworker, Wigmaker, Slave Family, Minutemen, Dressmaker, and Cook. I love this series. I've never read that in-depth into the lives of the people of colonial times. This series is one we'll be working through as we study the colonial times this school year. We've started The Colonial Woodworker and we've already learned a lot, including why colonial people valued the trees and wood at that time.

Colonial People series

The pictures and text in these books are fun and engaging. They are picture book size, but they contain a lot of text and reading. It's all pretty interesting though. We never got bored, and there are plenty of interesting facts and stories all throughout. I was super impressed with these books.

Inside The Colonial Woodworker book. A glimpse of the pictures and text. Lots of fascinating information!

True Ocean Rescue Stories is the last of the nonfiction library bound books we received. I picked this one randomly because it looked interesting. I needed just one more book to fill our order, and I thought my kids would like these stories. True rescue stories are always a hit with kids. There are no pictures in this book, just stories. A good quick read though!

True Ocean Rescue Stories. I picked this book for some interesting stories to read to the children.
This was one of my favorite reviews because I love books. I'm also just excited about finding Library and Educational Services LLC and their great prices for great books. They also have great customer service, or so I hear from my fellow review crew members. Just to give you an idea I got this whole bundle of books (and CD) for $73.00. Right now (limited time) titles from the Who Was ...? series are only $2.89!


If you'd like to see what other crew members had to say about Library and Educational Services, and the books they received (we all received different titles depending on what we chose), then click on the image below.

Wholesale Books for Your Homeschool {Library and Educational Services LLC Reviews}
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