Wednesday, November 18, 2020

A Bible Study (REVIEW)

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.


Julie Polanco from Julie Naturally has two new Bible studies that I've been able to try out and look over for this review. These studies are from her new Faith Journeys Series, and are both separate multi week studies. The Faith Journeys Bible Study Series: Romans bundle is an 8-week journey with accompanying videos to watch along the way. The Faith Journeys Bible Study Series: Philippians is a 4-week journey. Both journeys can be printed up and come complete with memory verses, questions, and a few coloring pages and surprises. Both are PDF downloads, but the videos are available to watch through the website.

Lets start with the Book of Philippians study. This study covers the whole Book of  Romans and is designed with the hoemschool momma in mind. A passage of scriptures is assigned to each day of the 4 weeks and then there are questions to answer/ponder. There are verses to memorize along the way, and cards to print up that help with that. The pages that contain the questions have enough room to write the answers down in the space below the questions, so printing up the whole study is highly recommended.


The second study I received is the Book of Romans bundle. This one has many of the same features as the Philippians journey, but it's a bit longer with 8-weeks needed to complete it, and it has a video component. There is a video to watch at the beginning of each week that helps prepare you for the reading and questions in the week ahead.


For these studies Julie recommends using the 1984 NIV Bible. I used the King James Version because that is what I prefer, and it worked. This is what my study spread would look like Scriptures and the current page of the study I am working on. I chose not to print up the whole file because I just wasn't sure about using all the ink, but I think I would definitely print it up next time. It's nice to have a place to write things down. I did print up the memory verses. They print up very nicely with several on a page, ready to cut out.

An example of what the Philippians study looks like for me. Bible and page side-by-side.

I love really diving in and reading scripture and pondering what things mean for me in my life. I did enjoy the questions. Sometimes they were hard to answer! I wasn't able to get very far in either study, but it was interesting to see another point of view. The Julie Naturally website has some great content, and these Bible studies done by her are a great way to dig deeper into the Bible. If you'd like to see what other crew members had to say about these studies you can click on the banner below!


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost