Sunday, November 8, 2020

Our Weekly Notebook: Space Force, Election night, and Baby Yoda

Life this week...

I realized this week that we are getting quite the stack of journals/books from The Thinking Tree curriculum. This includes books for two boys and I. I have two journals as well! I am really enjoying the journals in our homeschool. They encourage  my boys to write and color more and that's a definite need for them. They also encourage creativity. I have to admit I'm excited for some of the topics that they will be studying!


Homeschool this week...

Alex learned about the Space Force as one of his chosen topics for his All About Space Journal. I learned some too watching the videos with him!

Helpful homeschool tips and advice to share...

Discovery and learning takes time. Slow down a little and remember to let your kiddos take some trips down "rabbit holes" or build or create something. I know sometimes the time consuming, messy, creative and "weird" projects can be easy to push aside because "we just have to get math done". But, don't forget to slow down and let them discover.

Places we're going and people we're seeing...

We took a walk to the Post Office and the park. I really, really needed a walk. And, apparently the boys did too. There was much complaining for probably most of the walk until we got to the park. It was tough, but we made it. It ended up being good for all of us. And, I am pretty sure I made sure to point out every. single. leaf to the boys. They loved it. Not really. But, they noticed things!


My favorite thing this week was...

Watching the fall foliage just burst with beautiful colors everywhere. The reds, yellows, oranges, browns, and greens are just so gorgeous right now.


My kids' favorite thing this week was...

Scoring a baby Yoda at Costco. It was one of the last 3. The last time we tried they were out.


Things I'm working on...

I am working right along with my kids to be thankful and find gratitude. We are starting each morning with our Thanksgiving unit studies and writing down something we're thankful for. 


Random things the kids worked on... 

Alex built this tower with tree cookies and tree sticks cut up for a completely different project because I had them all sitting on the table. He decided to put his mini-fig on top. Natural materials make fun building blocks, don't they? 

Untitled Untitled 

Something I accomplished...

I made this not-so-pretty cake for election night. The picture I had in my head was much nicer. Oh well! It tasted good.


What we're reading...

I started this book, Father-ish by Clint Edwards. I am enjoying it so far.


Movies we watched... 

I don't have a picture, but we watched The Christmas Project. Good movie! It's funny and has a good message.

Games we played...

We played a new game this week, Election Night!, which happened to be on Election night. It was fun and frustrating for some. I think the red side ended up winning that night.
Untitled Untitled 

I'm cooking...

Popcorn for dinner tonight! Because we had a huge lunch of steak and baked potatoes.

I'm grateful for...

The start of a new week. It always feels like a fresh start.

That about wraps up our week! How was yours?

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost