Monday, February 15, 2021

Book sharing Monday

 *A fun roundup of the books we've read and activities we did over the last week*

We are finishing up day 3 of our power being out from a huge ice storm, so I thought I'd start the week off by sharing some of the books we have read over the last week. Not necessarily during the power outage though! You'd think we have read a lot over the past 3 days, but there's been too much worry and survival mode going on that we haven't read much. 

Harry Potter LEGO potions class:

Aric "read" this book for Valentine's day. I only included this "book" because it's shaped like a book. There's really no reading, but it's a fun image of a story because it opens up into part of the story from the Harry Potter books.


The inside of the book:


Diary of an Early American Boy:

This book is a new one from our new Bookshark curriculum (which I still have yet to post about, hopefully when the power comes back I can get a picture of it all). I enjoyed starting this with Alex last week with his Level E science lessons. I find it fascinating. I am enjoying it probably more than he is!


This is the questions/activity page to go along with it. He learned about all kinds of different ladders.


That's all we have for this week. I hope to start sharing books we are reading as much as possible. I can't commit to every week, but I will sure try!

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost