Thursday, February 18, 2021

Thankful Thursday: After the storm

We had a very unusual ice storm hit our area and were left without power for 5 days. It literally ripped trees apart and down, and toppled power lines all over. I have never seen anything like it. There are still many people without power, and the clean-up will last for months. We learned a lot about being prepared for a disaster, and about how life would look without power for our family. 

Today I'm thankful for:

  • Neighbors who all come together and help each other in times of need.
  • A dishwasher, a stove, an oven, a washer and dryer, lights, heat, and television.
  • Power that comes directly to our home
  • No damage to our home or property
  • Memories made with the family during a tough time
  • Friends who offer up their homes and appliances for others who need to shower, laundry, get warm, etc.

The cleanup crew when the ice finally melted. The kids in the cul-de-sac wanted to do their part and help break down branches. The men out in the street are trimming all the trees in our circle.

We were able to watch a movie one night with our generator. It was a fun movie night. Minions always make us laugh.

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost