Sunday, June 25, 2023

My Weekly Notebook: Week 25


Life this week...

Summer officially arrived (on the calendar) with summer solstice this week. We didn't do anything big or amazing like I wanted. These days just sneak up on me all the time, and I don't get anything planned.

Homeschool this week...

Yes we are schooling through the summer. No we didn't get much done this week. Maybe half a lesson of math, and lots of games.

Mom-school this week...

Not much of that done this week either. I spent a lot of the week helping the boys prep for their camping trip to the dunes.

Places we're going and people we're seeing... 

As I mentioned, the boys went camping at the dunes. They seemed to have a good time. I got some pictures sent my way. This line of tents was one of them.


A few of our favorite things this week... 

I went and built this lotus flower LEGO set by the pond. It was nice and peaceful, definitely a favorite from the week.


Things I'm working on...

I'm working on a quilt, a puzzle (Mandalorian theme), and as always some LEGO building.

Movies/TV we watched... 

I watched Star Wars 2 (Attack of the Clones) with Aric at home. I also went to the theater and saw The Little Mermaid with a friend a different day.

Outdoor time...

I need to plan some more hikes. We have nearly stopped all our hikes as I just haven't been motivated to get out there. Looks like I'll need to make a plan next week!

Games we played...

Reading/literary Jenga. I found this at Goodwill a few years ago and I love it.

 Untitled Untitled



I made a pretty neat looking mosaic. It reminds me of the ocean with a wave coming in.



I'm cooking/eating...

I made cherry pie filling with cherries from our tree. I wanted to taste it without making a whole pie, so I put them on waffles. Pretty tasty!


Other thoughts from the week...

With summer upon us now a lot of things have stopped. Pretty much everything has stopped except for music lessons and our Wild + Free group. This is always hard for me, but I know it's a good thing to take a break. Life feels kinda dead right now though. People go on vacations and we don't have the usual staples of our week to look forward to. I am hoping for a fun summer though, and hoping that we can find some things to do outdoors that will get us moving. Just some thoughts I am having about summer and this time of year. 

I'm grateful for...

I am grateful that Alex had the opportunity to dog sit last weekend.

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost