Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Kindergardener

It's time for some new school year pictures here on the blog, so I am going to do a post featuring each of my kiddos, and their new "first day" picture.


This boy is super excited to be a Kindergardener. I love having a Kinder as well, it's my favorite school year. I love that it can be a fun exciting year exploring new ideas but still a lot of play, and discovering reading.  It's also the first official year he can join the charter. Not that we haven't been learning and doing preschool at home, but he is in with the big kids now. He has stuff he needs to complete each day along with his siblings, and he finally got his very own K level math book. He was soooo excited about that. Asking for it all summer.

Goals: Learn to read/become a stronger reader,

Likes/dislikes: He likes school. He actually says this to me, and to his brothers when they say they don't like it. He likes to swim, and ride his bike. He likes to go camping, and take fun trips. He really likes going to charter classes at the school. He also loves cars. Now for something he dislikes... He dislikes grocery shopping, and bedtime. There's not really much this kid doesn't like!

Curriculum: He will be using Sonlight level K for his main History, Language Arts, and Science. He will also be using Horizon's math, Home Art studio level K, Draw Write now books, and other unit studies we decide to do. I have successfully rounded up all his books, and he is all set to go for this school year. I also hope to do a lot of nature studies with him, and get him outside playing and exploring and hiking as much as I can.


That wraps up our youngest student this year. Next up the 3rd grader!

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost