Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween 2016

It's still halloween night. The kids have filtered through their candy, and made some trades, and now they are in bed. Phew! This wasn't the best halloween day to go down in the Winz family history book. The kids spent a lot of the day fighting (kids meaning 3 boys). It was kind of a discombobulated day. But, we ended with a fun night of trick-or-treating, and when all was said and done everyone was happy. I have taken most of the halloween decorations down already, and finished my fall wreath to put up on the door (post on that soon). Yes, I'm excited for the month of November to reflect and give thanks. It's also the month of my birthday which happens to land on Thanksgiving day this year. So fun, it only happens every 7 years or so.

For costumes this year we had Aric as Harry Potter, Alex as a police man, and Aaron as "elvis with a 'fro", or "disco dan". Those were the 2 most popular guesses. He didn't really have any particular person he was trying to be, he just said yes to whatever anybody said. He just wanted to wear the hair, and the suit seemed to go well.


Alex actually felt kind of sick most of the halloween weekend. He was able to go to the trunk or treat at church, but immediately after felt bad. Thankfully he felt well enough to go trick or treating tonight.



I didn't realize how much law enforcement we'd have dressed up this year. It was pretty fun to see them kind of coordinate.


Here's Aaron sporting his afro at the trunk or treat.


The carnival at church was super fun as usual, lots of fun games and prizes.


A pumpkin fan!


Halloween night we went walking around the neighborhood. Just me and the 3 boys.. April was at a party with friends, and Dad stayed home to give out candy, and rescue us with the car when they were tired. It was a nice walk, but we've got to remember to get some friends to go with next year.


This house was the super decked out with spookiness. The boys enjoyed that stop.


We bought Salem our cat a shark costume. He didn't want anything to do with it, but I was able to get a picture real quick.


April made these fun "dia de los muertos" cookies. She wanted to give them a try when she found the cookie cutter at the craft store. They are cute and yummy!



Happy Halloween!

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost