Wednesday, February 15, 2017

E is for Evening of games


It has been a fun challenge to find a game for each letter so far, but honestly I don't have anything with E, so I had to get creative with this one. It has also been fun to get our games out more in preparing for these posts. We just haven't been playing games lately, so this has been a great opportunity.

The boys in their batman PJ's ready for game night.

We decided Monday night while April (and Dad was with her) was at orchestra to seize the game time even though I didn't have an "E" game yet. As we were playing, the word evening popped into my head, and I decided that was it. We often like to spend an evening playing games, whether at home, at friends, or even camping.

We started with an game called Free Parking. But, then we decided that we weren't really in the mood for that game. We changed to...


 Apples to Apples. A very popular one for game night around here.


Then we switched to a game of Life. Wow, that game can last a while! But, we finished the whole game, and Alex won!


 It was fun to see them make choices for life in the course of one evening.


 Usually we have some snacks too, so we had some ice cream. What does a game night look like at your house?

Linking this up to:

A Net In Time Schooling


  1. I love The Game of Life. Sounds like you had a great time!

  2. My kids loved Apples to Apples when they were younger. That was a fund post to read. Thank You!

  3. We love Apples to Apples, Snake Oil, and Beat the Parents right now. Battleship is fun, but only two can play at once.

  4. My lad and I have an on-going game of life right now... his turn...we just need to find the time to finish it. :)

  5. I love game night! Looks like a fun-filled night. The Game of Life is a favorite here too except our version looks a little different. We just bought Apples to Apples for Christmas so I hope to play with the neighbors soon! :)

  6. Evenings of games are so much fun. Almost every night, at least one of my girls tries to get me to agree to a quick game of some sort. (Most of the time, I agree.) - Lori


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost