Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Planet 316 (A REVIEW)

Planet 316

One of my new year's goals was to do more puzzles, and this review helped me to do just that! In fact with this Daily Bible Jigsaw app from Planet 316, I can now complete a jigsaw puzzle everyday of the year! It has been fun to just take a few moments each day and complete a puzzle on my phone. When I first got it, I didn't even tell my kids about it! I just wanted to do each daily puzzle myself. But, it only took a few days before they asked me what I was doing, and they asked if they could too. Of course, I let them! They enjoy doing the puzzles of the past days that I miss (which cost coins), or even sometimes I'll let them do the puzzle of the day (which is free).

Daily Bible Jigsaw by Planet 316

This app is available to play for free in the App store for iphone, on google play, or through facebook. What we got for our review was the 500 extra coins. With the free app you get 10 coins to start with, and a few coins can be earned as you put the puzzles together, there are some special awards and bonuses, but those coins go fast! I liked using them to get faster scores, and make life easier (I'll talk about those features in a little bit). These coins can be purchased in bundles at the store. The bundle of 500 is $39.99, but there are smaller bundles of 20 or 55, or bigger ones all the way up to 780 coins. The average cost of things in the app are about 3-5 coins. Some more, some less, and some free.

 Daily Bible Jigsaw by Planet 316

Lets talk about the features. First of all, we could sign in with Facebook, and if a friend has the app, and has done the puzzle we can see their times and try to beat them. That's a lot of fun! That's more of a side benefit than a feature. Some of the actual features include a rotation tool (that rotates all the pieces the right way), a guide (that shows the picture of the puzzle), a sweep tool (that sweeps the pieces off to the side), a magnet (that will pull 2 pieces together that match), and an edges tool (that sucks all the middle pieces up until you've put the edges together). I use several of these each time I do a puzzle. There is also lovely, relaxing music in the background while you play, soft and instrumental.

A view of the app as I am working on a puzzle on my phone. I have to admit the pieces are kind of tiny on my phone, but it is pretty fun.

The pictures in  the puzzles are always beautiful and uplifting. Also, there are some bonus puzzles that have more pieces that are available for free or for a few coins.

 Daily Bible Jigsaw by Planet 316

Another important part of these puzzles are the bible messages at the end of a solved puzzle. The pictures always tie in somehow, and the messages are also uplifting. I love to be reminded of the scriptures.

 Daily Bible Jigsaw by Planet 316

If you'd like to try it out, and can download the free app, do it now. You can also see what others had to say about this fun puzzle experience if you click on the banner below.

Daily Bible Jigsaw {Planet 316 Reviews}
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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost