Thursday, November 23, 2017

F is for Football

We did this last month, and I never got around to posting about it, but it fits perfectly into my abc blogging this week for the letter F.

We have been learning about football through Amanda Bennett's Unit Studies, and had some fun activities after our official "day 1" of the study.

One of her suggestions for a fun project to go along with the study is to get a sheet, and decorate it with all the things we learn throughout the unit study. I have done this with some of our previous studies, and the kids just love it. So, I picked up a cheap sheet from Walmart, set out the sharpies and let the kids have fun.


We made paper footballs...


Alex chose to color his pink, and we of course loved using the thin stix for these.


Aric's was orange...


Aaron went with the classic brown...


I made a little "football field" with a tablecloth I found at Walmart. The boys had fun flicking them to see how far they could go.


We tried some different techniques. If you want a great video to watch try this one. This Dad is funny, and has some great tips.

Also, if you'd like to have some fun with football too, Football Frenzy is on special right now, only $4!

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost