Thursday, March 8, 2018

CursiveLogic (A REVIEW)

We had the opportunity to learn and improve our cursive writing skills with this review. We received CursiveLogic Quick-Start Pack and The Art of Cursive (adult color book) from CursiveLogic. Not only was there some cursive learning for my child with his workbook, but there was a refresher for me with the coloring book so I could help him with this method.


There are so many important reasons to learn cursive even today. We have many historical documents that are written in cursive, old family letters and keepsakes, and many grandparents still write in cursive. My children will often come across something written in cursive, and ask me to read it because they just don't understand it. It's like a whole new language to them. I can totally relate. I remember as a girl asking my sweet grandmother to write her letters not in cursive so I could read them easier. I have since learned cursive better, and now love to see it when someone uses it.

With that said, how many children love to learn cursive today? Not very many. This method makes it easy and quick to learn cursive by using shapes and strings of letters. Children are writing words in cursive in just a few days of starting the CursiveLogic book.

Cursive Logic New Edition

CursiveLogic Student Workbook

The Student Workbook has consumable writing pages, and flows in a daily schedule. There are 4 basic letter string shapes, and the workbook walks the child through each new string in the first 4 lessons. The next 6 lessons are practice in specific letters, writing their name, uppercase letters, and just general cursive writing practice. The workbook is also spiral bound at the top so that the child won't have any binding in the way no matter which hand they use to write.

An example of the first letter string done by my child. There are many tracing practice lines to get the child used to it. Then they have some blank lines for them to do it on their own.

We also received an online video webinar with instruction on how to implement and teach cursive with this method. It covered the technical parts like posture, and movement of the pencil, to how the 4 different shapes of cursive work. The webinar is very helpful as it contains a lot of detail and instruction that's not found in the workbook, and takes away some of the intimidation of teaching cursive. This video webinar comes with the CursiveLogic Quick-Start Pack.

The Art of Cursive--Adult coloring book

Not only do I love this cursive writing method, but I just love that CursiveLogic offers a coloring book to help adults and teachers refresh and show the beauty of cursive. This book has a few short instructional pages at the beginning, but is not meant to teach this cursive method completely. Just a few short practice pages, and then it has pages of coloring that go along with a passage to trace/copy on the back of the page. I enjoyed doing this book immensly. It can be used by anyone (not just adults) that is proficient at cursive and just wants to improve and enjoy the beauty of cursive.

The Art of Cursive Logic

One of the pages I enjoyed coloring. I just love how elegant and flowing these coloring pages are.


This is one of the practice pages at the beginning of the coloring book that I worked on. I practiced it in the same way my child would do it in his workbook, that includes saying the movements and all.


How did my child like this method/workbook?

He really loved it. We have tried a few different cursive workbooks with him, and this has been by far his favorite. After he learned the first orange line he felt like he had a better idea of the movement of cursive, and that gave him the confidence to keep going. I also found him writing that line randomly and doodling it on papers or anywhere he could write. I can tell this stuck with him, and he will remember it because it makes sense! It is so logical, and that is what I love about it. I will probably use this method for all my children as they learn cursive.


This has been one of my most favorite reviews this year. We both really enjoyed working through this, and will continue to as he works through the workbook. I highly recommend this cursive method. If you'd like to see what others had to say about CursiveLogic, you can find their reviews by clicking on the banner below. Thanks for reading!

The Art of Cursive & Quick Start Cursive {Cursive Logic Reviews}

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  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost