Monday, July 23, 2018

Nature Study: Oregon Coast Quests

We went to the coast last Monday, just for the day. It was a beautiful day, and one of the things we did was a quest from our Oregon Coast Quests Book. We bought the first edition (2013-14) several years ago, and had only done 2 quests a few years ago. I decided it was time to pull it out again for our day trip, and I'm glad we did because most of what we had planned for that day didn't pan out.

I found out that there is a new updated edition available (2017-2018), so I picked that up while we were at the Hatfield Marine Science Center. I am glad I did because there are some new quests added and a few of the existing quests had significant changes. These quests are a great way to explore the coastal areas of Oregon, and they are a lot like letterboxing. (which we also love to do)


We chose to do the Hatfield Marine Science Center Nature Trail quest. I had no idea this little trail was there! It is kinda between the HMSC and the Oregon Coast Aquarium. I love that we discover things we wouldn't otherwise know about. We've gone to the Oregon Coast Aquarium area for years, and didn't realize this was even there.


This boardwalk was pretty neat, and had such a pretty view. As you walk, the quest has things to read about the nature around you and what you are seeing. Lots of great questions and conversation pieces to talk about with the kids as you go along.


As we went along we used the clues in the quest to find letters. At the end the letters spell a hint as to where the box is hidden. We found the box, and there is a stamp inside to stamp in the back of our book. There is also a place to sign and date that we found the box.


Then we explored the area. There was a place to walk out by the water. The boys also found this neat log to play on. 


The challenge: who can stay on it longest?


It was a little windy!


If you are local to the Oregon Coast, and want something fun to do while exploring new areas, these Oregon Coast Quest books are a great idea. Only $10 for the book!

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying not to be jealous...greatly missing the coast but it hasn't worked out for us this year. I had a head cold for over 3 weeks, too. It's kind of been a rough summer, but God is good and meets me where I am.


Please leave a comment, I love to hear what you think.

Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost