Monday, August 17, 2020

Our Weekly Notebook: quilting, birthday donuts, and swimming

Life this week...

Life kinda got turned upside down last week when I ended up taking April to the hospital due to a really high fever. She had a procedure to remove kidney stones on Friday, August 7, and a few days later while she was recovering she got very sick with a high fever. The urologist told me to take her into the ER, as he was worried about an infection. Sure enough, it was an infection and it landed her in the hospital for 3 days. It was a long week, and thankfully she's doing much better on antibiotics.

Homeschool this week...

With me being out of the house for 3 unexpected days last week not much was done. Actually, nothing was done except life, and that was ok! I am hoping for a better week this week.

Helpful homeschool tips and advice to share...

I love to take back to school pictures of the kids about this time of the year. It's definitely one of my favorite traditions, but I don't know that we have many school traditions anymore and that makes me kind of sad. I think I need to be intentional about traditions more in our family and school this year. As the kids have gotten older a lot of the things we used to do they have grown out of, and I haven't replaced it with anything else. I am planning to read some of the Homeschool Review Crew's ideas in one of their recent blog posts, Homeschool Traditions {2020 Not Back to School Hop}. I think it's important to have traditions even in our homeschool. 

Places we're going and people we're seeing...

Not much happened in the going places category. A lot of time at home during April's recovery and helping her get better at the hospital was the focus of our week. I guess we did have a visitor! Grandma Winz came to help watch the boys one day. That was fun for the boys.

My favorite thing this week was...

Getting my new Wonder Woman crockpot delivered from Amazon. I've never had a "fun" crockpot before, so this was a nice addition to my kitchen. I still haven't tried it out. This reminds me that I need to get something on the menu this week to cook in it!


Things I'm working on...

I finally started a quilt that I've had the fabric for a few years. It is supposed to be a quilt for our bed. I'm excited to have finally at least started. I got only a few squares done before the hospital fiasco, but I'm excited to work on it over time.



Random things the kids worked on...

She's not so much a kid anymore, but she's still ours... April built a Cinderella LEGO set that she got for her birthday.


What we're reading...

I had a lot of time at the hospital just sitting and waiting, so I grabbed a small book that I could carry in my purse to read. It ended up being The Cabin Faced West by Jean Fritz. I had never read it before, and wanted to see if it would be a good read-aloud for Alex. I am almost through the whole book! We are also reading Charlie and The Chocolate Factory (Alex read-aloud), and I picked up a stack of Library Mouse books when I went to the library to pick up holds.

Movies we watched...

We watched Scoob. Alex really liked it. I had a hard time keeping my eyes open so I don't really know how the second half of the movie went. The first half was okay though.

I'm cooking...

April wanted gluten-free donuts for her birthday "cake". So I attempted these. She liked them so I guess that's a win!


I'm grateful for...

Thoughtful friends who bring food/desserts at the end of a stressful week. A good friend/family brought a blackberry cobbler and vanilla ice cream over on Sunday afternoon. The cobbler was even still warm and so delicious. So grateful!


Other fun stuff:

I am really wanting to create more videos of life and family. I'd love to get a vlog going, but I don't know if I'll be consistent with it. I made this video of us swimming in the pool with Alex a few weeks ago. It was fun to edit. Especially the part where I lost all the edits because I didn't save, so I had to start over. Yeah, that was super fun. Lesson learned. Save often. Or period. Oh well I still love the video and that we have this memory. Enjoy!

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