Monday, October 3, 2022

My Weekly Notebook: It's beginning to look a lot like fall

Pumpkin Hill at the Harvest Festival we went to on Saturday


Life this week...

It was a nice fall week. The weather is still really warm and sunny most everyday, and the leaves are really starting to change color all around. I love how beautiful the world is when the leaves change color, and the golden sunsets light up the end of the day. I longed to get outside and watch some sunsets, but it just wasn't working out this week. I'm hoping to make it happen more next week.

Homeschool this week...

I already have to make some switches and additions to the curriculum! This week I realized that book two in Aric's U.S. History Detective is a little later in history than I wanted, and he should start on book one. Thankfully I was able to get book 1 for free with Timberdoodle points! 


It feels like we are still settling into the school year. The boys are still getting used to the workload and I get pushback pretty much daily. Just in case you are thinking it's all sunshine and roses around here when it comes to schoolwork, it isn't. It was a rough week in this department.

Mom-school this week...

I wish I could say I did a lot. I didn't. I did however start Spanish on Duolingo and was able to get a 5-day streak this week.

Places we're going and people we're seeing...

We went a lot of places this week. In fact, it felt like a super busy week. Here is our list of outings:

  • Hike at Pittock mansion (which also included a quick tour before the hike) on Monday
  • Co-op on Wednesday
  • We hosted a tween boy group activity at our house on Thursday
  • Piano lessons on Friday
  • Bauman Farm's Harvest Festival on Saturday
  • Alex went to a friends house and hung out to celebrate his friend's birthday on Saturday
  • Date night for mom and dad on Saturday

My favorite thing this week was...

Sharing a huge piece of ice cream pie with Michele for our date night

What we're reading...

I am reading this book aloud to Alex, The Landing of the Pilgrims by James Daughtery, for his Key of Liberty co-op class. 


Movies/TV we watched... 

Alex and I watched Hocus Pocus 2 at a friends house. I'll probably rewatch it soon since I didn't really see the beginning.

Outdoor time...

I think we got about 48 hours outside for the month of September. We went on a few hikes and had a camping trip. Those camping trips really get a lot of hours because we tent camp so that means we are pretty much outside all day. 

I'm cooking/eating...

I made our traditional Sunday meal of homemade pizza. Some other things on our menu were: Teriyaki chicken and rice, chicken fajitas, sheet pan sausage/onion/peppers with rice, and baked potatoes.


Other thoughts from the week...

It was April's first week of University. She sent me this picture from her first day of helping with FIG classes. That was Monday. Then her first day of classes was Tuesday.


I'm grateful for...

Puzzles. I am grateful that I can bond with friends over puzzles, and that it gives me something do accomplish.

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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost