Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Blogging through the alphabet: time for another round!

I will be blogging through the alphabet again! This time there will be no theme or deadline or anything. This is just going to be whatever I feel like blogging about when I get to the next letter I'm on. There will also be no link up because I found that not a lot of people are blogging anymore (or joining the link ups), but if you want to join me you can leave a link in the comments of each of the new letter posts. This is just to give me something new to post about! So I will be posting about the letter A next time. My goal will be weekly, but I am not promising anything. If it's a busy week it'll be the next week, or even maybe the week after that! (Because honestly, I'm not even sure anybody reads this anymore! So, this is mostly for me). Any ideas for the letter A? Hmmm....


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost