In my life this week...
Remember when I mentioned in my last journal that I was looking for some cotton candy? Well, I finally found it after deciding I might just give up. I took the kids to the Salem carousel on Tuesday this week (hoping by chance that they might have some because it's a fun place), and they had
1 bag of cotton candy left from Sunday.
It was just hanging there, as if to say "here I am!" I was so excited to see that 1 little bag! The story gets better... The little concession stand wasn't open, bummer! I asked the lady if it would be open that day at all. She said it wouldn't. I mentioned that I was just interested in that single bag of cotton candy, and she said "I'll sell it to you for half price because it's been sitting there since last Sunday" (2 days before). That was truly a win win for me. I love when little things like that happen. Such a blessing, and a bright spot in my week!
Look at all that beautiful cotton candy! I'm not usually a fan of this over-sugary treat, but I was happy to have it for a special project this week. |
In our homeschool this week...
Since we are studying Venus right now in the science astronomy book we made edible
Venus planets. This is the fun project that required cotton candy.
First we made some rice krispy treats...
Then you put a piece (or two) of saltwater taffy in the middle for the "core." We talked about what the core is, and how it's a lot like our earth's core.
Then we wrapped the rice krispy around the taffy to make the "crust" of venus in a nice round ball. We talked about how it is a terrestrial planet with a rocky surface.
then we added chocolate chips all around the ball for the "volcanoes" on Venus. Attached with a little dab of frosting. We talked about how Venus is covered in volcanoes and lava.
Finally we added the cotton candy around the outside for the super thick atmosphere that Venus has. We talked about how it is covered with an atmosphere that we couldn't breathe, and made up of a lot of things including sulfuric acid.
Aric's venus! |
Aaron's venus! |
I read parts of the chapter as they made their treat. |
Surprisingly they didn't want to eat it when they were done. They took one nibble, and decided they didn't like it. Their sister and her neighbor friend happily gobbled up my example though!
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share ...
Use what you have. A lot of fun activities can be made for school just from things around the house. I forget this piece of advice so much.
Places we're going and people we're seeing...
We finally went to the pumpkin patch this week with Life academy for a field trip. It was beautiful, and even hot that day. Another day we went over to a friend's house to do some halloween crafts and play. We also made it to the local pool to swim. Grandma and Grandpa are camping close to us so we're doing some fun things with them like swimming, and eating dinner at their campground.
The fun footprint "ghosts" and tape "mummies" that the kids made at Rya's house.
My favorite thing this week was...
Going to the Wilsonville library again for the first time in a few months and renewing our card. Love having that library for a resource.
My kiddos favorite thing this week was...
Aric loved having everybody watch him play soccer today. Even Grandma came. He played the best I've seen him play yet. He loves playing soccer.
What's working/not working for us...
Not much seems to be working great for us right now as far as getting a lot of work done each day. I'm having to tweak again. It's a never-ending process it seems! There's always something to fix.
Questions/thoughts I have...
Why can't I keep it simple???
Things I'm working on...
Planning our camping trips and family trips for the next year through summer. We booked our first long camping trip for the summer, yesterday. It was fun to get that booked. I'm looking forward to getting more on the calendar.
We're reading...
These are the kids' reads this week.
Aaron just finished this book. It's pretty fun to read aloud, very poetic. He liked it, and even wants me to buy it for him. |
April is reading this, and almost done. I expect she'll be done next week. She is really liking Anne of Green Gables. I'm so excited to watch the movie with her when she's done. |
Aric has been reading these every night for most of the week. He is lovin' Bambi right now for some reason. I let him watch the movie today. He still wanted to read the stories again for bedtime as well! These are books from Daddy's childhood. They were given to us recently by Grandma. |
I'm grateful for...
Stacks of books from the library on the coffee table to snuggle up on the couch to read. Finding cotton candy when I was about to give up. Foggy, cool crisp fall mornings. Christmas music, and that I get to listen to it everyday soon!
I'm praying for...
To know when we should start the process of trying to sell our house, and that it won't take a lot of time and energy.
I rewarded the kids this week by...
Letting them play too much Wii.
Something I am ogling or have my eye on...
A trip to Disneyland. We've wanted to go for years. We've attempted to go down a few times, but we haven't. We really should have gone down to southern CA many times over the past few years because we have family down there (both of us do), but honestly we haven't been since April was 3. My kids would love to go to their counsin's house, and Disneyland. So, I'm looking at a trip there soon. I really want to include Disneyland in that trip. But, as I was searching for prices and tickets I was quickly getting discouraged. For our family of 6 just to get into Disneyland without a nice "package" deal that's thousands of dollars for 1 day is a lot of money. I'd love to go more than 1 day, and to both parks. Anyone have any suggestions of where I can find discounts?
I'm cooking...
I made rice krispy treats 3 times this week. I had a lot of marshmallows to use up, and we had one batch for a project. I'm not sure how I ended up with so many marshmallows! I also made cinnamon rolls today. I was having some serious cravings.
A photo to share...
See this cute little bluebird? It keeps coming back to the little pine cone bird feeders my boys make and tie up to the tree. We just love to watch birds around here.
I am linking this up to
The Homeschool Mother's Journal