Monday, October 7, 2013

A fun FHE: "With Christ Darkness Cannot Succeed"

We had a fun family home evening a few weeks ago inspired by this great blog.  She has been posting fun ideas to go with conference talks to help children learn and review the talks from the last general conference.  I decided to give this one a try.  The focus is on the highlight of Uchtdorf's talk, The Hope of God's Light.

It was Alex's turn to for lesson so he just held up a picture of Uchtdorf while I said portions of this:

For the activity:  We made milk jug lanterns!  Just like they did.  The kids loved this.  They turned out fun, and we had more discussion on the light of Christ as we made them.





April was in charge of snack.  This was her sugar filled fun!  Pretty good for a last minute snack!

It was a fun way to get the kids excited about conference, and review a talk from the previous conference.


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Wordless Wednesday

  “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost